Facebook Group

Hi there,

I was wondering whether it would be allowed if I was to create a Facebook group for my course where students could join to ask questions, share things, etc. Am I able to mention this in my course?

Also, is it allowed in my course to mention my YouTube channel?




  • Yes @MichaelMorg268
    as long as the FB group and your channel isn't promotional - so educationally focused.

  • Hi Denise :)

    Thank you for your reply. The YouTube channel is mainly tech review, vlogs and tutorials. Would this be ok?

  • Sounds ok to me @MichaelMorg268
    . Udemy tend to be bothered if it just promotional. Best of luck :)

  • Hey Denise,

    I don't see the course I want to teach. "Making SwimWear" does udemy allow fashion design/pattern making teaching? I teach "stretch factorization" and making patterns by hand, without computer-aided drafting.

  • Hi @DeniseFletcher
    where we can share this group with our students? I can see it is not allowed in the promotional announcement.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,560 Udemy rank

    Hi @IrfanSharif
    You can learn here more about the usage of external tools to market your course, check it out here.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community