How can I promote my Udemy course?


In what ways can I promote my Udemy web development course in order to get more students enrolled? My marketing strategy is publishing first my course for free. Get some students and ratings, and then change it to the Udemy promotion prices. But how can I get students enrolled? For example, I posted my promotional video and the video of the presentation of the course on my YouTube channel.


Néstor Llamas Llopis


  • I also use the strategy of initially publishing the course in free format, for a maximum of one week.
    Other things I do, for example, is try to make upsels to students who are already enrolled in my courses. Effectively exploiting promotional announcements has always proved to be effective! Students who have already purchased one of your courses are likely to buy others.
    Another strategy that is repaying me is to have created a facebook group of my courses, in which students can interface with each other and exchange feedback. It is not uncommon for this to organically bring some students to buy the courses they lack from your collection.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,635 Udemy rank

    Hi @Anonymous
    You might want to take a look at this great thread where instructors shared some marketing tips:

    Eliana Cerna

  • Hello, ElianaC,

    I get an error when trying to access that webpage:

    Access Denied
    You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action.

    Click your browser's Back button to continue.


    Néstor Llamas Llopis

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,635 Udemy rank

    Hi @Anonymous
    I see what happened here, the post I shared is from the Instructor Club and your access to it will become available after you publish your first course. In the meantime you can also find useful information here