How long does Submit for Review process take?

I completed the preparation of my first course.

Due to being a Turkish citizen, I sent a video for Reviewing.
I don't know how long will it take?

Do you have any information about the subject?

Thank you.

Ahmet Aksoy


  • Hello Ahmet

    Congratulations on completing your first course.

    I'm still working on mine, but have been wondering about the review process too. Here is what I found:

    According to the Udemy support pages, it should take "a few days", or "usually 2 business days". Keep in mind the time difference between the US and Turkey :).

    Fingers crossed, and please do keep us posted on the progress.

  • Thanks MariLeRoux,

    I also found that it is about 24 hours to be completed, in some Turkish explanations.

    At least I know we should wait for some time.

    See you!

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,340 rolemodel rank

    It typically takes a few days. However, if it is in Turkish it may be longer. I don't know what Udemy's resources are for reviewing videos in other languages.

  • Even better!

    I guess 2 days is average but not guaranteed.

    Either way, you should receive it soon :).