Site maintenance tomorrow, July 26

JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

Hey everyone! Udemy will be going through site maintenance tomorrow, July 26 from 4-6am Pacific Time. The website ( and all related sites will be down or running slowly during this time, so we recommend holding off on publishing any new courses or making edits during this time.


  • @JocelynH

    We're 90 minutes past the maintenance window. I still can't see my performance metrics. Keeps erroring out. Are there any other issues we should be aware of?

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    , that's weird. Everything should be back to normal. If you still can't see your performance metrics, I'd recommend reaching out to so our support team can take a closer look.

  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 55 storyteller rank

    I haven't been able to access my instructor account for 4 hours now. Still can't access it now.

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    That's strange @ClaireB
    . I haven't heard any site-wide issues, and I was able to hop on my own instructor account just now. Can you reach out to with as much information as possible so our support team can take a closr look? Thanks :)

  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 55 storyteller rank

    I already have with screen captures. Thanks :)