How many students do you have?

Hello fellow Instructors. For inspiration, I thought it might be fun to share student numbers. Plus any tips you might have on growing your student base?

15000 push Capture.PNG

Personally, I have been working very hard since christmas to hit my goal of 15,000 by end of april 2019. I have been active in many facebook groups, not advertising, but helping, offering advice and positioning myself as knowledgable in my niche. I have seen a lot of growth since I started this push (approx 300!). Many have come from organic growth, but quite a few have followed my social profiles back to udemy and ended up buying one or more courses.

What have you been doing to promote yourself and your courses? Share below.



  • Hypnodan
    Hypnodan Posts: 157 mentor rank

    I've got 23,000 students and have been on Udemy since 2014 and full time since 2015.

    I write books, blog, have a Facebook group and do youtube to keep people aware of me, build a reputation and promote my courses.

    All the best


  • Gubaz
    Gubaz Posts: 4 researcher rank

    Nice numbers dear colleagues.

    I wish I could have also posted this big numbers, but I am on 54 at this moment :smileyvery-happy:

    In case you have any suggestions/advices as super experienced instructors, will be highly appreciated.



  • KylePew
    KylePew Posts: 177 mentor rank


  • Wow. This is great. As I see you're also teaching technical stuff. My first course is on the way. Good luck !
  • I've been on Udemy for over 3.5 years - eveyrone starts at the same place.

    Keep going set your goals and you will achieve them.

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm on the brink of 90,000. But the more important metric is number of reviews and course star rating. Thousands of students can be had overnight through BestBlackHatForum but reviews have to be worked for and earned. I find that providing quality product and quick response to support questions are key to maintaining my star rating.

    I have one important and easy "trick" for getting good student reviews. I'm wondering whether I should post it to this forum?


  • I’m curious as to your “trick”. Jason
  • I'm impressed by your 261 courses. That's almost 1.5 courses a week for 3.5 years.

  • Yes please share if you can

  • Thanks, I always have a plan for more and enjoy making them.

  • Jason,

    In a nutshell:

    1) Sort your students by percent completed.

    2) Send Udemy messages asking for a review to those who have completed 100% of your course and haven't left a review.

    Don't ask for a 5 star rating, just a review. Students who have completed your course are more likely to leave 5 star reviews anyway.

    Say something like...

    Hi {name},

    I see you completed my "" course. Congratulations!

    Could I get you to do me a favor and leave a review?

    (Instructions on how to leave a review)


    I get a lot of good reviews I would have normally missed this way. Of course, I miss a lot because many Udemy students don't know how to receive Udemy messages ;-).

    Hope this helps,


  • Good idea!

  • You have to be very careful when asking for reviews, I was told before by Udemy , "instructor can't explicitly or implicitly request reviews of a certain type. Also, some students can report this and it can negatively impact your course, which we are trying to avoid. "

  • Actually, you could include this request in the "Congratulations Message", that's sent only to students who complete your course.
    No need to filter and message each student one by one.

  • On my way to 20,000! Working on creating more shareable content to speed things up. I have a step by step eye illustration that went crazy on Pinterest. It got over 80,000 repins and hundreds of students created their own version of the ART! I noticed that I get a lot of traffic from students sharing their completed art and saying that my course content helped them as well. Got to love free advertising! :)


  • 50K, here I come!

    Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 16.59.56.png

  • You are really close to the next milesone, nice :)

  • Thats awesome thanks for sharing your success

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,331 rolemodel rank


    students FEB 2018.JPG

    Mostly see new students from my Facebook group, but it really is the product that has to sell you.
    This week I saw a few reddit posts about how amaziballs my courses were and they helped the person pass their certification, that advertising is worth so much, that is how you grow fast.

  • I'm really killing it. LOL

    It's a start and getting better every day. Most of these are freebies. My course has been up for about 2 months.
