Why I love the Udemy community (...and keep coming back)!

Someone asked me the other day why I spend so much time in the Udemy community, reading posts, sharing information, and interacting with fellow instructors.
Well, it is simple...I find value in it.
Easy as that. Now, what kind of value? How about people who understand what you are going through? When you start doing online teaching and it starts going well, and you decide to spend A LOT of time doing it, people in your normal circle of friends might think you are a little weird. After all, while they are out on a Saturday night at the bar, I am home recording courses!
But, my fellow Udemy instructors get it. They understand the hard work, the time it takes, and the weird life that it creates for us (in a good way).
Other people in my life don't understand this online business or teaching thing, but the friends I have made through the Udemy community do, and we chat about it all the time. I have met a really great group of folks that I talk to numerous times a day, and it was all thanks to the Udemy community group.
In addition to that, I find inspiration in the big winners (Frank Kane and Phil Ebnir posting their $1 million miletsones) and other stories like theirs. It makes me think, if they can, so can I!
Well, I am not to their level yet, but I am catching up. (To be fair, they had a headstart on me.) But, stories of inspiration and community are two of the biggest reasons I personally come back here time and time again.
Jason Dion
I agree. I love coming back because I love the value I get from listening to the more experience guys or even seeing questions from newcomers that I never thought of before. So much value and it has helped me take my courses to the next level and be almost full time doing this in less than a year.
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Yes - I am totally inspired by how I can discover how to evolve through the hlep of others. Daily we are all challanged to produce the highest quality courses that we can. I learn so much not only being apart of these groups but also by taking other peoples courses; this often gifts me a different perspective on how to create and propel my own courses forward. I am in the five zero's club; however have some distance to close before I reach Frank Kane and Phil Ebiners level. Lots of dedicated devoted work planned and lined up in front of me.
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Thank you to all the Udemy Community! :smileyvery-happy:
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wrote:When you start doing online teaching and it starts going well, and you decide to spend A LOT of time doing it, people in your normal circle of friends might think you are a little weird. After all, while they are out on a Saturday night at the bar, I am home recording courses!
Totally agree with you about this Jason! I also juggle my full-time work and Udemy hustle so I relate with what you said. I work early in the morning; I work while on the train to and from work; I work when I have free time in the office and I still work before hitting the sack. It's truly hard work but whenever I see the positive feedback from my students (and the $$$ on my revenue report) -- it's all worth the effort!
There were even some weekends when we host a "karaoke party" in our flat and I'm working on my course while waiting for my turn to sing. :smileyhappy: That's a little weird in the eyes of my friends but to my fellow Udemy instructors, they understand the hard work that this business entails.
I still have a long way to go towards my goal but I know I'll achieve it along with the like-minded folks here in the Udemy community. And perhaps, once everything is done, I can sing all day long without having to worry about anything at all!
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Dojo, I still have my full-time job to this day. Udemy has been amazing and it still "blows my mind" every month when the paypal transfer occurs.
I think the thing that helps keep me going all the time is I actually love this stuff. Recording videos, editing, running my business, it is all a bunch of fun and games to me. I really enjoy this stuff!
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Same here: I also enjoy hanging around here instead of going to a bar.
I enjoy programming - but I hate being told what to do, where to sit, when to have lunch, etc.
Love learning new stuff - but definitely don't miss the corporate bullshit, meaningless meetings, and soul-sucking, never-ending projects.
Thus, online teaching and publishing was the biggest blessing for me; it allowed me to quit the rat race and work on projects I love.
I've tried many things, but this one finally clicked! I'm so glad to be able to put my content in front of people from all over the world!0 -
Spot on Jason,
I echo each of your reasons, it can be a lonely place sometimes..... just staring into a camera and the community really helps relieve that.
Plus, we are all helpers so helping our fellow instructors is an enjoyable part of the journey!
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And lucky you, you have your spouse right there beside you!
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Of course, Tamera!
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That is so heartening....thankyou Jason
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"Well, I am not to their level yet, but I am catching up."Nice ending.