Introducing & Pricing My First Course

Hello, fellow instructors. I'm excited to join your supportive community.

I'm Louis Di Bianco, a professional actor and acting teacher. I've created my first course, On Camera Audtion Mastery. It contains four and half hours of video training. I have a lot of expereince teaching this material offline. For that reason, I amt hinking of setting my price at the highest tier and opting into Udemy's discount promotions to create a sense of urgency to enroll. I would love feedback from expereinced instructors about this approach.

Also, I have uploaded my free preview video. I want to include several others, but I have not discovered how to do that. I have sent a question about it to Udemy support. I'm waiting for their response. I'd appreciate any help you can give.

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you any way I can.


  • Lizzy
    Lizzy Posts: 162 specialist rank

    Udemy replied to me about how to select preview videos. Perhaps if you could find the conversation? It was v recent. They gave instructions.

    Well done on creating your course. Sounds like a good price strategy, I think you should go for it. You have a lot of valuable knowledge to share.

  • Thank you, Lizzy, for your comment and support.

  • @LouisEdmund
    i wish you good luck with your course, this is a good idea to think about transfering your passion to professional online business.

    About your question if you mean that you want to add some video content to your course and make those videos free preview that's what you find in your instructor account. Go to Courses than to Create your content after that choose the Curriculum section, in this section you will be able to add some content to your course. After publishing a video you have the option to make it free preview or not.
