Maximum length for a video lecture?

I think I saw a maximum time limit for a lecture - but can't find it in the help section. Is there a limit?
Hello @RPavlis
There is no maximum video length but we recommend videos be between 2-6 minutes long. For more information about our requirements please see the Udemy Course Quality Checklist.Hope this helps!
Eliana Cerna
Udemy Community Team
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I try to keep them under ten minutes. It is a bit hard to cover many subjects in 3-6 minutes. But, the research says.... you lose attention over that time.
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None other than upload size limit.
I would recommend staying between 3-8 minutes and not going above 10-12 minutes, at that point student interest starts dropping off.
IF you have long videos/topics, you can do part 1, part 2, part 3 etc.
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Dear Eliana,
Will it be a problem if I have a video for more than 3 hours as my course was set up like a workshop, so I cannot cut it in 10 minutes for example.0 -
This is a subject on which there is real research. Check the references in this used to live on corporate workshops. Even when live, people don't want to sit through a three hour lecture. I am sure your video can be cut down into sections that are maybe fifteen minutes at the most. No one is going to watch a three hour video.
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It depends. Average watch time of my audiences is 12 mins. Some videos are 24 mins of watch time on average.
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I am glad they changed that! YEARS ago I tried to do an AP Calculus Prep Class for the exams and Some problems took me an hour to fully explain and Udemy ABSOLUTELY refused to allow me to put videos longer than 20 min on the system. So, I had to give up. OF COURSE I want short videos MOST of the time but some of those Word problems took a LONG time to explain IN DETAIL. Maybe I will try again. But, I am glad they got rid of the limitation, too bad they didn't get rid of it when I needed it!