1700+ Enrolments in 48 hours

Published my Course and followed all advice from Udemy Blogs to market it online. I got around 1700+ students enrolments.
No Doubt I am happy. But when I search my course on udemy search it is not event listed in first 2 pages.
Do I need students review in order to get on first page?
That's really awesome that you have this number of enrollments in just 24 hours. I think reviews and good feedback are very important to optimise your course and get better results.I wish you good luck.
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Are these all paid students? If they are you have earned more than $10K in your first 48 hours which may be a Udemy record. People reach 1K in revenues after a few months. If this trend continues, you may reach 50K in revenues in your first month which will definitely be a Udemy record.
If they are free students, they will disappoint you. Free students dont finish courses timely and rate poorly. Free students are Freeloaders.
Are they paid or free?
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You have no ratings. Something you should understand, when you give away courses for free you can get many thousands of people signing up in a few hours. They rarely watch and they rarely give a review, and when they do it is often a bad review.
There is a normal ratio of reviews to students who purchased your course and who are actually watching it. That is somewhere between 4/1 and 8/1. If you have one hundred reviews, you probably have 400 to 800 actual purchases of your course. You can't fool Udemy's alogrhythms. They pick up on these ratios and present your course accordingly.
You should know that Udemy is working to limit free coupons because those free students do little to enhance the business, either yours or Udemy's.
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1700 enrolements - Is your course free or are you offering free coupons @Harshal
? Which blogs have you been reading? - you say Udemy Blogs but I'm sure Udemy encourage you to just give a few free coupons?
The problem with free is that you will get thousands signing up but they notoriously don't engage with the course so your engagement will look low and equally they don't often review so your review ratio will be down. Udemy will look at the ratios and as a result your course will appear lower. It can be quite difficult to recover from this because you need paid enrollments, engagement and reviews.1 -
Where can I find this list of Udemy records ?
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Sorry, you cannot access this list. Udemy has these records but they are for Udemy EYES ONLY.0 -
What is the way you followed to get this number of students in a few hours?
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But you've seen them? Or are you just assuming things?
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So looking at your course, and the 2 reviews there are so far, it looks like it is a decent course so far. When I went to watch the videos there is a high pitched hum throughout the background though that may lead some students to never complete the course, so hopefully that was only on the couple videos I looked at.
It appears you put up free coupons in various free coupon groups, and honesty that is never the way to do free coupons. The best way to use them is to limit them and give them directly to people you know would at least watch some of it and look at it and give you good feed back (if none of your testers told you about that high pitched sound, they were telling you what you wanted to hear.)
Going the route of putting free coupons out there for anyone, or having your course as free for the first couple days wont find you the students you want to help the algorithm kick in. Those students tend to be collectors who will never look at a single video of the course. If you do the dedicated route, say by being helpful online in spaces where students are studying Scrum, you can make a deal with the admin to share a free code to the first x number of students and a discount code to others-I honestly wouldn't even mention reveiws.Also, I am curious, how do you know you have a 98% test pass rate with this course? Have you taught this before? I didn't see that as a focus in your about you section, and if you mentioned it in the video, I apologize for being unable to watch all the free ones as that sound really hurt my ears-I am sensitive to high pitched noises.
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No, Not Assumptions but Logical Reasoning.Over the past year, I have NOT SEEN ANY post that said I made 10K on the first day as @Harshal
seemed to suggest. He did not state the amount but he stated the number of 1700.If there was such a post I missed it, but I dont believe so.
So if he did make such an amount on the first day it is uncommon. Atleast based on those who post in this forum.
There is a possibility that there are many who make 10K on the first day but dont discuss it in this forum. If this in indeed the case, most instructors on this forum need to buck up. I see that as not a common scenario.
I have also not seen a post where someone has said they made 50K in the first month. Again there may be and those instructors just havent posted about their success.
This logically suggests that it is uncommon. Records are based on Uncommon stats.
There are many logical reasoning courses on Udemy. You should take one.
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No, I don't need to take one. We all know he didnt get that many on his first course, first 2 days without it being through free coupons mass sent out, or having the course as free during that time period. I was talking about your reasoning of it being a record, and how you were giving what is known as a back handed compliment to someone.
What is kinder and more helpful is to congratualate and give better steps of action.4 -
Agreed! I will be kinder in the future.
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That's really interesting. I suspect they were all free coupons... were they? I released mine a week ago and I have just over 100 paying students enrolled, and 1, 5 star review. If I search for mine, it appears on the first page of that topic and comes up as 'hot and new'. In my experience on Udemy, you gotta play the long game. There is no shortcut to riches when starting out. You have to put in the hard work. This is my third course in two years (they take a while to create), and is now ticking along nicely with a trickle of students coming on board each day. Combined with my other courses, it's a pretty good income. I'm building a great community and I'm planning, by year 4, to give up my day job and focus on this (and other online portals) full time from my office at home. If you put in the hard work, and don't try and take short cuts, let Udemy do the marketing, Udemy works brilliantly and they deserve the 50% they earn from me. Have a great day.
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It's really interesting to hear your advice. It seems a consistent story to play the long game on Udemy, not expecting instant success. I am getting ready to launch my first course. I just sent in a test video to the Udemy team. I have loved creating my course but the idea of putting it out there is suddenly getting quite scary! Good luck with your success and giving up the day job.
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Hi Lizzy, I think we can all relate to that. It is scary putting yourself out there, but I wish I had done it sooner tbh. You will get the 1 star reviews and the negative comments, no matter how good your course is, but take it on the chin, take on board the feedback, and move on. It's not worth dwelling on. You will begin to form a little community and that's one of the great things I get from this. I have a really good bunch of people who are excited about what I do. My advice to you would be to give them a lot of support and feedback. Answer any questions they have and fix any issues that arise as quickly as possible. If you do that, your students will follow you and take up more courses you offer them. It's a great platform. Good luck and don't be scared... it's a lot of fun
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Thanks Kevin @KevinOxland
That's great advice and what I need to hear. I am not a natural on social media. I hardly use it socially and kept my business personal via word of mouth mostly. But I really like the Udemy platform and enjoy the course creation. If I keep thinking long term as you suggest, I am sure I will get past the negatives.
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The course was obviously free.
People post free coupons on free course coupon blogs and many people often enroll on courses of interest.
1500 - 1700 students in the first 48 hours is not uncommon, though the value of those students is slim, since they seldom watch the course and seldom leave feedback.
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How did you get 1700+ views. Can you please share tips
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For testing water give away a course is good. But remember we need to improve our quality course also. Free course, mostly is bad review. It will not help course quality.
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Where can I find this blog you mention?