π€π Bitcoin as payment currency - who is interested??? ππ€ππ€ππ

Hi all Udemy's instractors
Wishing you all the best πππ
I'm wondring, if there are instructors intrested to get paid with Bitcoin for their courses????
and can we talk to Udemy to have that option in our courses as currency optionπ€ππ€π
I'm writing this coz some instructors having problems with Paypal and Payoneer and banking system and ofcourse money transfer fees
thnx Udemy
best of luck
I prefer USDollars. Not speculative imaginary currency not backed by a government.
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Interesting idea.
I don't think Udemy will want to spend the time to implement this, and I don't think many students will want to get pay that way.
Unless you are in the part of the world, where it's easier to get paid in crypto rather using available payment options.
And if Udemy will implement this, it's probably much better to the bitcoin, than to Udemy. Another adoption of bitcoin, which should push the value up
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Sir, I'm not against $, but there are instructors having problems collecting their money from Udemy through Paypal and Payoneer.
plus rules of banking systems and ofcourse money transfer fees.
that is my point
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Litecoin would be a better choice as it's much faster than Bitcoin.
However, until general adoption of crypto currencies (when the current Fiat-based system crashes) I can't imagine Udemy adopting it as payment currency.
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Personally I would be opposed to it, then we would have 50 posts on how random crypto currency is doing, how someone lost their key and the many other headaches.
What are the problems you are having with getting the money?1 -
Hi Mohamed,
In what way is there a problem collecting money from UDEMY through Paypal and Payoneer?
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if it is amatter of mony transfer fee expensive crypto like bitcoin charges miners fee in some cases more than 40% of transfered fund that is happence with me 3 days ago when iv sended som BTC from coinbase wallet to hitbtc exchange...but idont know weather it was du to small amount or du to hi difficulity factor of btc mining1 -
I agree, the mining fees and other fees involved in transferring Bitcoin into currency you can actually use to pay your bills makes this a non-starter. Toss in the volatility of Bitcoin and there's no way I'd want to be paid in it.
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Money is electronic numbers.Banks and all just transfer numbers.Its very good job for profits.Bitcoin and all cryptocoins make big damage in their profits.Tranfering bilions without have it.Example if i will give you a paper with type 5 grk without have the deposit to support this vaule is not legal but its the truth.That we in 2008 collapsed all the trush papers in USA and Europe.They are sold bubbles and sometime the system fault.Thats why worldwide economys collapsed and made poor peoples in one day.Tday.Thing all if request their money banks not have it to response.Anyway all the financial typically avoid the cryptocoins.They will accept if have profits.I hope to see some day the money to make happy peoples and not slaves peoples
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this man answered all your questions0 -
Of course, the real answer is the complex money laws around the world. Particularly laws around terrorism and anti-money laundering.
A company like Udemy cannot just send $100 million per month to 30,000+ people in 180 countries so easily. The US government in particular has strong laws about sending money to countries like Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cuba, etc.
So that's why Paypal (and now Payoneer) is needed. And that's why Udemy will never, ever, ever send cash directly to your bank account. Or bitcoin. Udemy is not big enough to have enough lawyers and accountants to deal with all the complex money sending laws around the world and they will gladly pay 30 cents per instructor to Paypal to deal with that.
Think about that. PayPal charges Udemy 30 cents per instructor and they take away thousands of dollars per month worth of financial reporting headaches. How can anything beat that?
This is the answer. This is the only answer. Money laundering, terrorism, and the US government watching where money flows around the world.
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Maybe what you want is PayPal or Payoneer to support bitcoin withdrawal. But they would never, ever do that for the same reasons as above. Plus PayPal makes its money on fees so they don't want to do it.