Cool way to use Camtasia Behaviors

I hadn't experimented with behaviors yet, and just tried what turned out to be a fun use of them with images. See 3:05 and 3:50 of this sample lecture.
Should anyone wish to comment on the lecture itself, that would be great, but I mainly wanted to let you know that Behaviors can be used in ways that go beyond text and shapes.
Hey David, your video is marked as "private" so we can't see it. Try changing it to "unlisted" instead. Looking forward to seeing a creative use of behaviors in Camtasia - it is definitely one of those things that can be used in non-intuitive ways to achieve interesting results.
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Sorry about that! I forgot to check. It's "Unlisted" now. I'll be interested in your response.
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That's really cool and creative! I never would've thought to use behaviors for character animation - it looks great.
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Thanks! The only downside I see is now I'll have to revisit the lectures I've already "finalized" and see if there's room for this kind of behaviors animation in any of them. I am really enjoying learning video editing, more than I expected to. It's been a while since I've been able to geek out on a piece of software.
David0 -
I think you have been experimenting with "behaviors" since you emerged from your mother's womb. Opening your mouth to speak is a behavior, eatings, sleeping, crying, etc. are all behaviors.
I think you are referrring to some form of illustrative animation or prompt. I think anything that spices up a lecture is great.
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Indeed. But I am referring to what Camtasia calls "behaviors," in this case.
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Oh. I don't use Camtasia so I was not familiar with that use of the word.
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Change d the subject line to make that clear. What editor do you use? Not thrilled with Camtasia's overall stability. I've only been using it for 6 weeks or so and already have four support tickets in.
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I use Adobe Premiere Elements which does everything I need, is inexpensive, easy to learn. You don't need Premiere Pro which is both much more expensive and equally more confusing to learn.
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