Cool way to use Camtasia Behaviors

I hadn't experimented with behaviors yet, and just tried what turned out to be a fun use of them with images. See 3:05 and 3:50 of this sample lecture.

Should anyone wish to comment on the lecture itself, that would be great, but I mainly wanted to let you know that Behaviors can be used in ways that go beyond text and shapes.



  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    Hey David, your video is marked as "private" so we can't see it. Try changing it to "unlisted" instead. Looking forward to seeing a creative use of behaviors in Camtasia - it is definitely one of those things that can be used in non-intuitive ways to achieve interesting results.

  • Sorry about that! I forgot to check. It's "Unlisted" now. I'll be interested in your response.



  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    That's really cool and creative! I never would've thought to use behaviors for character animation - it looks great.

  • Thanks! The only downside I see is now I'll have to revisit the lectures I've already "finalized" and see if there's room for this kind of behaviors animation in any of them. I am really enjoying learning video editing, more than I expected to. It's been a while since I've been able to geek out on a piece of software.


  • David,

    I think you have been experimenting with "behaviors" since you emerged from your mother's womb. Opening your mouth to speak is a behavior, eatings, sleeping, crying, etc. are all behaviors.

    I think you are referrring to some form of illustrative animation or prompt. I think anything that spices up a lecture is great.

  • Indeed. But I am referring to what Camtasia calls "behaviors," in this case.

  • Oh. I don't use Camtasia so I was not familiar with that use of the word.

  • Change d the subject line to make that clear. What editor do you use? Not thrilled with Camtasia's overall stability. I've only been using it for 6 weeks or so and already have four support tickets in.

  • I use Adobe Premiere Elements which does everything I need, is inexpensive, easy to learn. You don't need Premiere Pro which is both much more expensive and equally more confusing to learn.

  • Lizzy
    Lizzy Posts: 162 specialist rank

    Really great effect and creative way to use it. Nice work @DavidBookbinder