
how likely is the course value to go up

by adding captions to the videos of the course

also does it help the students if ALL content is in video form only

thanks in advance for advicing !


  • As I know captions are automatically generated for english courses.

    If you mean, captions in other languages to increase chance of selling, thats my question as well!

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,632 Udemy rank

    Hi @SwatiSharma888
    , Captions are useful for students this makes the course content more accessible to students around the world, Udemy provides auto-generated captions in English, Spanish and Portuguese for video lectures in these respective languages. You can refer to the following link and you will be able to find instructions on how to create them, edit etc, please click here.

    Hope this helps!

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Team

  • Emulas
    Emulas Posts: 10 traveler rank

    Well, I've added english, italian and spanish captions to my course. Write and translate them took me a lot of time but I think it is very useful for students that cannot use the audio or that are not native english speakers. The self-generated cc did not work for me. Anyway I've noticed that udemy ask students to leave a feedback for the subtitles.

  • Did you get more students after that? I mean, is it worth spending time?! Because, after all we can spend time on making new courses or editing the available ones.

  • Emulas
    Emulas Posts: 10 traveler rank

    I've got students that appreciated it, but I don't think that the time I spent in writing them worth the effort in terms of conversions. Probably it is better to spend that energy in another course. However you can add them later.

  • I see, thanks for your respond

  • JWP841
    JWP841 Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Hi Eliana, how do you completely turn these auto-generated captions off though? I have uploaded my lecture videos, and Udemy have added captions to them all, some of which are wrong... thanks