Hey folks,
Planning on creating my first course revolving around game development using Unreal Engine but have never dabbled in the video editing / content creation world.
Just looking for some constructive critiscm from folks that are already pro video editors / content creators.
This is my first time using video editors such as after effects / final cut / screenflow etc. and I've learned everything within the last week or 2 so please excuse any bad editing.
Thanks in advance. Your feedback is much appreciated! 😊
I thought overall this was quite good-- No doubts about the editing or design. Things that could be improved:
- I am a big believer in the 4-T's of training:
- Tell 'em what you're going to tell'em.
- Tell 'em.
- Tell 'em what you told 'em
- Test 'em
You almost follow this format but, I think you could be more deliberate in framing at the beginning and reframing your points at the end. You're still better at this than a lot of what I see on Udemy.
- The joke about the sponsor doesn't work for me. I'm hilarious. Trust me.
- Challenge: Powerpoint is lame. Even though your branding and graphics are much better than most, I'd challenge you to avoid the Powerpoint defaults for outlining your points.
In summary, you have nothing to worry about. There are many top instructors whose content isn't nearly this good.
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I should point out that I hate everything (ask around), so getting positive reactions from me is rare!
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This is super helpful, Mark! Thank you so much for the tips!
Plan is to cover the theory, and then the practical example follows where they can be tested when they're actually doing something. I will definitely plan out the structure a bit better though and see if I can test them in the "concept" videos as well.
Some folks didn't like the ex joke, but you're the first that didn't like my sponsor
Low-key pumped that I got a positive reaction though!
Thanks again
I wasn't loving the fact that I was using powerpoint, but my skills are limited when it comes motion graphics (work in progress) so I had to make do. Just needed to get something out because I've been procrastinating putting myself out there for far too long.
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Print this out and put it on your wall.
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You're funny. Even for a Canadian.0 -
now I can print that out too! Best day ever.2 -
So, I'm not a pro video editor or content creator, but I was curious about your video, as I have clients who are interested in gaming (I'm a therapist), and I have enough background in computers to follow beginner-level videos like this one.
I liked this a lot! The Powerpoint slide approach didn't bother me, I thought your use of slightly animated graphics was good, and I was able to follow and understand the whole thing.
I also appreciated your sense of humor most of the time. Around the third time you mentioned your ex, I began to think maybe you really had a problem, so that was actually distracting. But then, I'm a therapist.
So, nicely done! I'm amazed that you were able to get this proficient at editing in just a couple of weeks.
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I like it. And I appreciate your sense of humor! But I'd probably test that. I mean, this kind of humor would work great in live training, but it may not be the same in a video that you watch multiple times and the students follow along with your coding. I would still like it. I can hear jokes repeatedly and laugh at them the more I hear them. Especially if they are my own. But others may not.
Also keep in mind that your course will be consumed by students from all over the world. So what we find funny, may not be too funny, or may even be offensive elsewhere in the world.
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Hey Bry,
Absolutely loved this! Editing on point and can't believe you learned all this in 2 weeks, wow!
I have one question though, I am working on my 2nd course and really need to ramp up my audio quality, i would really appreciate your help on creating that crystal clear audio.
What mic you use? How do you edit audio (Adobe Audition etc)? Thanks!
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Did you ever find out what mic was used, Ogomes?
wrote:What mic you use? How do you edit audio (Adobe Audition etc)? Thanks!
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Hey ogomes,
I'm so sorry I just saw this now. I didn't get any notifications for this thread.
I use the a Rode NT1A microphone. It's plugged into a Presonus Studio 26c interface.
I record using Logic Pro X on a hackintosh that I've put together. I've tried Adobe products but I find that it's much more complicated than Logic is.
On my voice track I have an EQ that I can send you a screenshot of so you can see what I've boosted / minimized - but that mostly depends on your voice.I've also got a compressor on there to normalize the volume and make it sound more "present".
Lastly I've got a noise gate that removes any ambiance / background noise when I'm not speaking.
When I cut / splice the audio, I make sure to fade in / fade out hard cuts that make a "click/pop" sound.I hope that helps
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Hey Kristin,
See my reply - thank you for asking. Your message notified me via email that I've been slacking on responses haha 😊
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Thanks Pavol,
I don't plan to recycle the same jokes and I've noticed, like you mentioned, some of the ex jokes went well with most folks but it rubbed a few people the wrong way and they reached out to see if I was okay. My friends understand my personality, but the majority of students out there have no idea who I am and how I act on a daily basis so you're absolutely right, they might take it the wrong way.
Definitely keeping that in mind, thank you 😊
PS. Apologies for the uber late response 🤦🏻♂️
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Haha, thanks David!
I am, however, 4 years moved on and much happier than I was - in case you're therapist mind was wondering 😊
I've taken a quick poll and it seems like the simple slideshow / cheesy animations are helping people stay focused and they keep the videos from getting too dry by staring at code while trying to picture the words coming out of my mouth. I've decided to continue doing them for folks like yourself. In case you ever decide to switch from therapy to game development, my videos will be there to help you along the way haha 😊
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Hello everyone,
I have a course on Udemy. I need some one / company to promote it. is there anyone / company?
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This probably should be a new topic... But here's my response.
Can you tell me why someone should buy your course instead of the other Bootstrap courses that are on Udemy?
Before you spend time, money and effort on promotion, you should think about your USP: Unique Sales Proposition. Why your course? What do you provide that others don't? Since you have no track record on Udemy, someone is going to need a compelling reason to purchase your course and, honestly, I don't see one.
I'd encourage you to comparison shop. The first word of your first sample video is "Ummm..." Check out others.