Is Uploading is a easy task for beginers

How to upload a doc to udemy


  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hey @Mamta
    , Since we function primarily as an on-demand, video-based platform, you’ll need to upload your video files directly to Udemy. This section includes extensive resources on how you can create a Udemy course and get started. Let us know if you have any questions!

  • Mamta
    Mamta Posts: 5 researcher rank

    Can we upload pdf files as text

    And some videos ,tutorials recorded by ordinary camera

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,635 Udemy rank

    Hi @Mamta
    Our minimum requirements for a course is that it contains at least 30 minutes of video content contained within at least 5 lectures. Regarding the PDF files, you will always need to upload them as an external resource or upload them with a video synced to it as a mash-up lecture. You can check the different lecture types on this article and choose the one that fits your course best.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Team

  • Mamta
    Mamta Posts: 5 researcher rank

    Thanks a lot


    have a good day

  • Mamta
    Mamta Posts: 5 researcher rank

    Dhanyabaad abbie ji