Course Stats

Hi, I uploaded my course a few days ago, but every stat (reviews, engagements, enrollments etc) is very slow to update, Some reviews are not even uploaded while stats are being updated just once. What could be the issue here ?
That is just how it is, no way around: Udemy's backend is all batch and awfully slow.
About the reviews, if you got reviews from friends and family (as they tell you to do!) they are likely held in spam: you have to contact support and tell them to push them through.
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I was expecting Udemy backend to be better. Such a disappointment. Also every single of my reviews are being blocked by spam filter. Whats the point of fitler if they are going to block every review!
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Hey @FahadSarwar750
, generally, reviews are visible on a course within 24-48 hours. After that, it's likely that something about the review was flagged by our spam filter. Udemy uses an algorithm to scan reviews and look for behaviors that might indicate that the review is fake/spam. If you believe these reviews were filtered incorrectly, you can reach out to and ask them to double-check.1 -
When I first read this I thought you were joking. You uploaded it a few days ago and you are complaining about how Udemy processes reviews??????????? Come on Man!!!!
How do you even know you have reviews? Obviously these are from free coupons you gave out or friends and family. They will likely be blocked. How may people do you think have actually bought your course that you uploaded a few days ago? If you approach this seeking immediate gratification you are going to be very disappointed. This is a business that you have to build and develop over time.
You should also know that February is one of the slowest months of the year. Sorry. I suggest you now work on your marketing efforts and on developing your next course. You don't succeed here with one course, or without doing some of your own marketing.
Good luck.
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Well, they don't block every review: in my experience, the algorithm flags only those that are made too quickly and from people that got the course for free. They are extra flagged if on top of it the reviewer is a student of your course only.
It makes sense but at the same time, it conflicts with the emails they send us encouraging to get family and friends to review the newly published course.
At any rate, support will unblock those review, just email them
The backend is indeed terrible, I guess I should offer Udemy my professional services to redesign it using modern technology
One more thing about it: if your course needs Full HD resolution (1080p) you have to contact support to have it activated, otherwise students will only get 720p.
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Thank you for your feedback. Its my first course so I'm bit anxious and frustated! Thanks for your suggestion. What else would you recommend to market my course?
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Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. I didn't know about HD resolution thing. Thanks for the info. Also how would you suggest i market my course.
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I really do understand that when you publish your first course you are anxious about seeing results quickly. But.... reality bites!
It takes time to build up a student base and begin cross selling from one course to another. A while back I wrote a post recommending marketing strategies which you can find here: about where you will be in five years in terms of a steady income if you take a genuine marketing approach.
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Why am I being denied to see the marketing strategies thread? The link is saying not having sufficient privileges.
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That post is in the area reserved to the published instructors, so you can't read it until your course is published.
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Hi its Muhammad Ajmal khan
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It isn't necessary to market your course to 'succeed'.
'Success' is your own measure.
You'll just potentially earn more if you market yourself.
Many instructors earn an amount that they are content with sans self marketing.
...and those figures would be appealling to many.