Exciting news!

Udemy Instructors,

As you may have already read, we’re sharing some great news today. Benesse, our long-time strategic partner in Japan, is investing $50 million in Udemy with a valuation of $2 billion. This investment demonstrates Benesse’s confidence in us and our work together and offers an exciting opportunity for us to further invest in scaling Udemy around the world.

I believe we’re still in the earliest days of realizing the potential of learning online, and I’m incredibly optimistic about our shared future. Together, we’re partners in bringing the world’s expertise to millions of students around the world and enabling people everywhere to progress in their professions and their passions.

We’re grateful that each of you made the decision to teach on Udemy, and we’re eager to move even more boldly to help share your knowledge with the world and improve lives through learning.

Cheers to our continued partnership,




  • Congrats Team Udemy!

    Looking forward to more innovations in the learning tools available to students with this money.

  • Congratulations, Team Udemy! That is an amazing valuation, and I really loved the part of the article where they bring up that Udemy has already paid out over $350 million to its instructors since launch.

    Keep up the great work!
    Jason Dion

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,331 rolemodel rank

    That is excellent news, both the investment, the partnership, and the valuation.

    Excited to see what this and the general Udemy evolvement leads to.

  • JohnBura
    JohnBura Posts: 411 mentor rank

    Great news. We're looking forward to produce more courses.

  • JohnBura
    JohnBura Posts: 411 mentor rank

    Great news. We're looking forward to producing more courses.

  • Hi Gregg

    This is Good News!

    Japan investing so much means a lot. Udemy's trusting will surely be highlighted worldwide. I'm more than grateful to be part of this Community and happy to share my knowledge around the world.

    Be on track!

    Rosanna Bonc012

  • Congrats Udemy team and let's grow together! Have you consider Buenos Aires for an office?

  • Well done Gregg and the Udemy team I look forward to seeing the fruits of this investment. Lets grow together x

  • Plenty congrats for you and us all, I read about this on google today this is really good news..thank you for allowing us the opportunity to give out value ..

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

    Hi @adolvex
    Currently we have no plans to open a Buenos Aires office at this time.

  • Great news. Congratulations Udemy team.

  • Congratulations Udemy Team....We really so proud of that achievement!!!!

  • Wow, that's awesome!

    Congratulations to the whole team, the work you have done so far has come to fruition and it's just the beginning I'm certain.

    Looking forward to the future of online learning with Udemy :-)

  • Wow, great news! Congratulations udemy team! I am eager to know about the expansion in India.

  • Hi Dear,

    I'm Kazi Harun-or-Rashid from Bangladesh 🇧🇩.Congratulations to you and Udemy Community!!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹💞💞💞💞

    However, This is exciting opportunity for us to further invest in scaling Udemy around the world. I believe that we are still in the earliest days of realizing the potential of of learning online. So we should be able to considered how the possibility that discussing with the decision to teach on Udemy to we are greatful that each of you made in mindfulness for meditation by awareness and exclusive use of the practices with commercials mindfulness. Bless you and Udemy Community. With best regards to everyone with best days for future. Thanks!!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹

  • Congratulation, Team Udemy.

    Welcome to India, I am sure it has huge potential for online learning considering its market size.

    My best wishes!

  • That's really great.


  • JohnBura
    JohnBura Posts: 411 mentor rank

    That's Great News! @EmilyH
    How many employees are going to be at each location?

  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    Great work @GreggC
    and team Udemy

  • Hi! I am Kazi Harun-or-Rashid from Bangladesh 🇧🇩.I hope that everyone helps and supports to each other for responding of the mindfulness for meditation by awareness and exclusive use of the practices with commercials mindfulness. @SharonRamel
    Welcome to you, @GreggC and Udemy Community!!!.🌹🌹🌹🌹 for the great work at the period of our lives and exclusive use of the mindfulness for team Udemy!!Thanks!!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹

  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    All the best to you @KaziHarun682
    , enjoy being here living and creating on Udemy

  • We support all Udemy the best Community for my Upcoming Training on Awareness.How to Reach a Goal!


  • Emulas
    Emulas Posts: 10 traveler rank

    Thanks! Happy to hear that!

  • SirK
    SirK Posts: 1 observer rank

    Wow, this is great! Congratulations!

  • OH ! So that's why you have imposed 30 percent withholding tax on Non US citizens

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,331 rolemodel rank

    How does this comment even make sense?

    See my reply in your other thread.

  • Wow, amazing news!

  • Awesome. Best of the best learning course marketplace.


    Udemy Instructors,

    As you may have already read, we’re sharing some great news today. Benesse, our long-time strategic partner in Japan, is investing $50 million in Udemy with a valuation of $2 billion. This investment demonstrates Benesse’s confidence in us and our work together and offers an exciting opportunity for us to further invest in scaling Udemy around the world.

    I believe we’re still in the earliest days of realizing the potential of learning online, and I’m incredibly optimistic about our shared future. Together, we’re partners in bringing the world’s expertise to millions of students around the world and enabling people everywhere to progress in their professions and their passions.

    We’re grateful that each of you made the decision to teach on Udemy, and we’re eager to move even more boldly to help share your knowledge with the world and improve lives through learning.

    Cheers to our continued partnership,
