Instructors From Pakistan


My Name is Yasir Ahmed and I teach digital marketing and related topics

I am from Pakitan and would like to know how many more talented people are here from my country,

Please let me know your city and the topic that you teach ;)


  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Welcome to the community, @YasirYR7
    ! :smileywink:

  • Hi, yasir i am also from Pakistan. I am just finding a particular subject to teach. Are you on instagram or facebook?

  • hey Abbie,

    I am still not confirmed that how can we earn money?

    would you help me out?

  • Hi!

    I hope you are doing well.

    I am also from Pakistan.

    My 1st course is ready to publish. I just sent my Verification video to the Udemy team and waiting for their response.


  • Had your course verified in Alternate verification process?

    And How much time it takes?

  • Had your course verified in Alternate verification process?

    And How much time it takes?

  • veajawad
    veajawad Posts: 42 trailblazer rank

    Yes, My course verified in the Alternate Verification process and it took 48 hours.

  • Hello, Yasir YR7 I am also from Pakistan. I am from Karachi and I can write.

  • I am Qamar...topic is Personality TYPE....