Am I the only one counting his blessings?

Unless you are living in a cave you have certainly watched the news reports of massive disruptions to the economy of every country - shutting down every hotel, restaurant, airline, manufacturing, etc. A lot of people are really suffering even without contracting Covid-19. Millions of people are wondering whether or not they will have the money to pay their rent or buy groceries.
And here I sit watching my Udemy course sales as if nothing at all is happening in the outside world. This month's sales have already exceeded March a year ago with no help from me. I am certain that my Udemy income will come in this month as it does every month. No fear, no anxiety. It almost is not fair.
It is like this is some Divine undeserved blessing. Every one of us instructors who are making a living working online and on Udemy are truly blessed and this is a good time to recognize our good fortune. As someone in the most vulnerable category (old and with a history of respiratory problems) I am keeping my social distance. I hope you are safe as well.
I completely agree, I know I am extremely fortunate to be in this position.
I am working 100% from home, I have a remote team that helps me.
This is also something I did on purpose, not minded for COVID-19, but the independance from going out, from seeing people, from having to go into an office.
We are very fortunate and we need to recognize it.
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I think many of us are feeling quite fortunate, but are afraid to say anything in fear of jinxing it! There's also a tinge of survivor's guilt when so many others have suddenly lost their livelihoods or health without any warning.
I imagine there is a point where the economy becomes bad enough that people stop buying online courses, and companies stop renewing their UFB plans. I think it's unlikely to go on for that long, but we need to do whatever little part we can to speed up the world's recovery from this scare.
Stay safe Lawrence.
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Same here @LawrenceMMiller
, March is looking as if it will be about the same as last March (I had a new course release then). However, if I get everything together and release my new course - it will be an amazing month.We live on a farm - 40 kilometres from town and about 2 kilometres from our nearest neighbours. No problems self-isolating here - that is simply the way we live.
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We are doing a nice job so far. I left my city for a while just for covid-19 and living now in my grandfather village. Its around 550 kilometers away from my living city. I am creating courses from here.
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Lawrence, you put in words what I think every morning at night. Is sad and awfull what is happening to the world, and of course I would never expect a situation like this to get more profit, but of course I thank the Divine Fortune (or whatever its out there, if it is) for allowing me to be in this position given the actual scenario.
Please all be more carefull than ever and lets try to think how to give back some of what we have today. This world has to improve starting today.
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Firstly, take care and keep safe.Secondly, you seem to have captured the thoughts of many of us who have had success on Udemy for which we can be eternally grateful.
We have worked hard and consistently to have the success that we have earned and, by the grace of God, we are where we are. It could easily have been something that disrupted our service - a solar flare that rendered the internet unworkable, etc.
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@You are always the calming voice of reason. You are right I feel so blessed to be a part of the udemy community and to be able to scale my teachings that everyday I get emails from all over the world saying how much my courses have helped them. To put the cherry on the cake I get paid for it is God given. Stay safe take care and thank you for everything you do on this community you are a refreshing voice.2 -
Many people are now scambling to use tools to conduct their online meetings and even talk of creating online courses.
To use an analogy - I feel as if I am in a helicopter watching the Titanic as it sinks. I have a rope that anyone can use to climb to safety as I desperately want to help. I'm calling to them but they know best. Everyone is really busy rearranging the deckchairs and talking about what they are going to have for their evening meal.
(I hope that the helicopter doesn't run out of fuel before we get to safety!)
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I agree with you sir, @LawrenceMMiller
.Udemy is a real blessing. My sales have also increased greatly , will even surpass November 2019 .
I was working in a manufacturing company 2 years back . I see my ex colleagues really worried with a real possibility of layoff or big cut down on salaries.
I pray and hope for safety of all and hope the world recovers soon.
Be safe
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Agreed. God blessing on us.
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I wonder that will we be able to spend the money that we make? Bad days...
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We can expect online viewing of all kinds to increase right now. Lets stay humble and grateful for our opportunity to help as many people as possible. Thats what life's about.
REMEMBER: When we breathe slowly and deeply, our mind and body are calmed on a cellular level, reducing stress hormones, and allowing your immune response to improve.
I'm new here, publishing Tai Chi, Qigong and Meditation lessons by some of the world's greatest teachers, including our founder, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming:
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Thanks @LawrenceMMiller
for sharing what all of us are feeling right now. I started my journey as an instructor on Udemy in November 2019 and March this year has been my best month yet. I never would've imagined that I would've been making income in the online world but things are starting to work for me, albeit not at a good time. And yes, it has helped in reducing anxiety and stress.But most importantly, since I am 27, from India, unemployed and staying with my parents, it has helped my parents realize that life is not about the 9 to 5 job and they're happy for me now.
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I came to udemy to finish my learning courses because i cant do it hands on and dying that i cant make any money, so abruptly...
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I started in November 18 and it has been a game changer for me in so many ways x
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Please enjoy this quiet time. At some point some people sittting at home after a month, will do almost anything to feel useful again.
Expect a big surge of anxious new students, who realize that government money isnt going to last. And it isn't near enough to compensate for what people designed their lives to be about and have losy it all.
Yes, you're right! They're going to come in droves, searching for a new digital career to fulfill their dreams, their time, and to feel useful and part of a community again. So they will once again, feel less alone, more useful again, more connected to those who help them:)
Get ready! These are exciting times!
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I've ctually been trying to help a few ppl take their business/hobby model online. It's a big push into the future.
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Jan 2020 was a record month for me and March 2020 is a new all time record month for me. It does seem like people are turning more than other to online courses, as everything in 3D has been cancelled or put on hold....
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I want to say here that I am tremendously grateful to be part of this community. It is so inspiring and a big relief to read your thoughts and know that there are so many people "out there" that focus their time and energy in creating great educational and sustainable content and in that way making the world, and especially the internet, a better place for present and future generations.
Life rewards endevours like this, from my experience, so let's keep up the good work and let's keep growing the good things
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My sales have been blowing up this month. People want to better themselves right now. I've been ill, but my course is bringing in money with no work needed. Udemy is great because I don't have to worry about paying for ads myself when money is tighter.
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I can totally relate to these feelings of guilt. My work was 100% online, not only on Udemy. So I haven't had to adapt to quite so many things as others have.
My free course has done extremely well in March, getting over 9000 enrolments in one day. I'm now at over 21,000 students. I'm grateful that I can be useful to them and support them in this way without having to be present for each and every one of them.
Then again, this is what I have been working for since 2016 when I started teaching online.
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Thank you for bringing this up Lawrence. I'm able to maintain my income too. I don't get much through Udemy, but I have multiple income streams, all online. Some clients have been very keen to work with me even in this strange period. And some things are going quite well for me professionally.
I have had so many ups and downs in my life as an online business owner. Moments where I wanted to quit. Moments where I took a step back. Moments where things started working. And then stopped. And then started again.
So, I'm glad things are going quite well, in spite of everything. At the same time, I do feel bad about that. It can be hard to process all these feelings. But I'm glad that I can be useful - people are clearly searching for things to learn online during this time, if my March enrolments are anything to go by. So it makes me feel like I'm doing something to help, even though I'm stuck at home!
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I know the economy of the world is in serious mess right now and it gonna take a serious government to balance the economy with that of the citizens . like me I'm not seriously affected because I do most of my work at home .
For me the state doesn't need to depend the government for its economy to be stable during this period