Microphone placement: my face is behind the mic, is that bad?

Before start recording my first course I would like to get a feedback from you more experienced guys.
Is it that bad to have my microphone showing up in front of my face like in the first picture below? It would be nice if I didn't have to buy a new microphone only to avoid that, because this one works fine when we speak close to it.
In the second picture I'm showing my equipment, my camera is ok (Canon EOS250) and my tripod is a cheap one but does its job right.
Afraid your pictures didn't come through; can you try re-posting them?
Also, what topic are you teaching? If you're teaching videography or something, it would be a bigger deal than if you're teaching programming for example.0 -
I hope the picture are attached now.
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No unfortunately, we still can't see them
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That's weird, I can see them after the upload, but thereafter they aren't displayed anymore.
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If you can host the pictures somewhere else, you can link to them here instead of uploading them directly to the board. It does seem that uploaded images and videos are broken here I'm afraid.
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you asked for an opinion, and I offer mine even without the picturesI see many instructors having a massive mic in front of them.
I personally (!) don't like that. And since I have yet to see a Netflix or Hollywood movie where they follow that approach, I trust we should look to find a way to record high quality audio without filling 25% of the screen with a microphone
But, as I said, this is my personal opinion and I still watch videos of instructors with their mic in front of them - if the content is interesting and engaging.
I'd try to hide the mic as much as possible.
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I've wondered the same thing. I ended up putting my mic just below where you can see it, yet it still picks up my voice well. Of course, in this case, I was recording software tutorials, so my face is only on a little corner of the screen.
Like someone else pointed out, I do watch videos even if the mic is showing. I don't prefer to see the mic, but if the content is good, it's no big deal.
Good luck!
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Just ensure that your head is more prominent than your Micheal.