Identity Verification Process

Greetings Everyone,

My name is venkatesh, and im from India, while i was trying to complete Identity Verification Process, the automated version of verification asked for my name , father name and PAN card number, though i submitted the details exactly as in my PAN card, but it failed authontication for some reason, then i had to go with alternate way of Identity Verification Process for which i submited the video request as mentioned in the instruction.

i went through the FAQ of the process, per FAQ it takes 24 hours to get this reviewed, but its been more than 40hrs and i havent heard back from Udemy. i did had chat with support guys they mentioned the video was 20MB due to which they could not get the video to the verification department, unfortunatley i couldnt find any instruction about size of the video to be submitted, and luckily the chat support guy mentioned i can share Gdrive or dropbox link.

I have shared the Gdrive link and awaiting verification process.

has anyone experienced similar situation before submitting their first course, or any idea how long could this take ideally ? . also per the instruction if i fail to finish the verification by 7th July my account will be deleted does this mean only the instructor account will be deleted or the entore account (student account included) ?


  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hi @Venkatesh111
    , sorry the verification process is taking a little longer than we'd like. We ask instructors to expect a response time of approximately 2 business days from the time you reached the team, as this may vary depending on the volume of tickets received. You can feel free to bump the ticket by reaching out to, but I'm sure the team will get back to you as soon as your email is next.

    Concerning the removal of an account based on verification time, our Trust & Safety team is best equipped to answer this for you. Be sure to include it in your email and they will gladly help you out.

  • Thank you @Abbie
    for quick repsonse , i can understand the busy schedules, i will wait for response from the team... Thanks again...

  • My verification completed, and my first course submitted for review.

    Thanks @Abbie
    for all the help and quick response....

  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    That's great, @Venkatesh111
    ! Thanks for updating us. Let us know how the review process goes. Can't wait to hear your course is published!! :)

  • Hi,

    I am facing the exact same issue as mentioned by Venkatesh. It seems that your automated review system for India does not work propoerly.

    I have finally submitted the video for review and waiting for you guys to revert.


  • I am also from India and had the same issue today. Submitted a video through email today and waiting for the verification process to get completed.

    So I believe this a common problem for people submitting courses from India.

  • @Abbie
    What is the contact email of Trust & Safety team?

    is this email?
  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,627 Udemy rank

    Hi @astroengineer
    you'll need to reach out to

  • Hi, @Abbie

    I am facing the same issue as mentioned. I already sent an Email + video to and but did not receive any reply. Please do something I give 1 month to this course and my account will be deleted on 26 April so please do needful.

  • MeryMejia
    MeryMejia Posts: 352 Udemy rank

    Hi @TheRahulMalviya
    , we are receiving a significantly higher volume of support tickets than normal, and as a result, responses from our team have been delayed. Don't worry you'll hear from them.

    Mery Mejia

    Udemy Support

  • @TheRahulMalviya
    I also had a same issue last week. But the Trust and Safety team approved my verification video within 3 business days. So don't worry, yours will be through before 26th April

  • ok. thanks.

  • ok, I hope so... thanks...

  • nathan_c
    nathan_c Posts: 2 researcher rank

    I'm in the same boat I have sent an Email and Video to and, however, have not received a response.

    Hopefully, it will go through and my account, as well as course content, will not be deleted on April 25, 2020.

    Also in the case that an account gets deleted does Udemy you offer any recovery options for both the course and the account? Or is it recommended to make a personal back-up of the content?

  • It has been 3 days and I still not get verified. On 26th April all my data is deleted? Please help me. PLEASE!

  • DYay2810
    DYay2810 Posts: 176 storyteller rank

    Hi @nathan_c
    , I don't know the answer, but if I were you I would make a back-up :-)

  • Hello @MeryMejia
    Today is the last day and my account will be deleted Please help me I submitted the video on 19 and for some reason, they required another video I have submitted again on 21 but not it's 25 and my account will be deleted on 26 at 12:53 am. PLEASE HELP ME. chrome_xB3npg1ogr.png

  • Kaustav
    Kaustav Posts: 17 traveler rank

    How long it is taking now a days? Do I need to send the video to and both ? It was mentioned to send to only

  • @MeryMejia
    5 days ago I mailed to Verification@ and Policy@ but till now no reply received. WHY? Please help.

  • @ElianaC
    5 days ago I mailed to Verification@ and Policy@ but till now no reply received. WHY? Please help.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,627 Udemy rank

    Hi @Kaustav
    Right now the team is taking around 5-6 business days to get to each request. We have mentioned this here

    If you are submitting the identity verification process, you will need to send the email to

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • Kaustav
    Kaustav Posts: 17 traveler rank

    : Thanks for the update. That's not a good news for me either :(

    What about the time taking for review process now?

  • DYay2810
    DYay2810 Posts: 176 storyteller rank

    Did it go through @TheRahulMalviya

  • @DYay2810
    No still waiting for reply...

  • DYay2810
    DYay2810 Posts: 176 storyteller rank

    Ok, as long as your account isn't deleted @TheRahulMalviya

  • I am also from India it may happen so because there is a difference in the format of PAN card details.

    You are requested to upload a video of yourself about declaration.

    I have send it already and waiting.

  • Facing a similar situation here.

  • is your account got deleted? or what was the update? I'm having the same problem. @TheRahulMalviya

  • Hello.

    It is more than two weeks that I submitted my verification request and have not received any kind of response yet.

    Could you please help me with that?