Sharing this Milestone and what I learned along the way!

Super excited to have finally reached this one. 100,000 in sales on Udemy and here is some of what I learned on the way. ( Thos took 3 years by the way! )
1. Consistent output is key. Either updating existing courses or making new courses. ( I have 12 courses now. )
2. Appreciate bad reviews. What!? Yep, I said it. Those are the ones that will lead you to better course creation if you listen! ( of course I mean the constructive ones. )
3. Learn to promote your content. Don’t wait for Udemy to do all the work. You can notice that over time I got better at selling my own courses. I started to get less organic sales so I began to share more videos on YouTube, engage with my audience on social media, and create more blog posts. I now bring in 30% of my own sales.
4. Build your audience off Udemy! The real power is in your following and they love interacting with their favorite instructor so give them ways to do that. For me it is pretty easy since I teach art. I comment on their art and give any insights I can. Create helpful free content for your target student as well as a clear line of sight to your course content.
5. Help as many people succeed as you can. Do this and you will find success along the way!
6. Don’t wait for perfection! It isn’t even a real thing in my world. I am an imperfect being and I share that in my content. Besides, I would never get anything done if I thought otherwise.
I hope this helps and I am here if you have any questions!
How do you promote your courses?
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I completely agree with you Robert and I am just waiting for my course to be published, however as a life and eft coach and a Reiki Master I have learned that those who give you constructive criticisms help our growth like nothing else. Like you I love helping others and seeing them succeed is one of the greatest satisfactions a teacher can experience and yes, perfection doesn’t exist and it’s only our mini me inside that comes out and tries to protect us from disappointment when we feel that way so just gently talk to that part of yourselves and let it vent but like a parent, with love and patience, and then it will calm down and You will gain a breakthrough! Having a community like this helps a lot and I appreciate all the sharing you guys do from your direct experiences. Bravo for reaching this milestone!
wrote:Super excited to have finally reached this one. 100,000 in sales on Udemy and here is some of what I learned on the way. ( Thos took 3 years by the way! )
1. Consistent output is key. Either updating existing courses or making new courses. ( I have 12 courses now. )
2. Appreciate bad reviews. What!? Yep, I said it. Those are the ones that will lead you to better course creation if you listen! ( of course I mean the constructive ones. )
3. Learn to promote your content. Don’t wait for Udemy to do all the work. You can notice that over time I got better at selling my own courses. I started to get less organic sales so I began to share more videos on YouTube, engage with my audience on social media, and create more blog posts. I now bring in 30% of my own sales.
4. Build your audience off Udemy! The real power is in your following and they love interacting with their favorite instructor so give them ways to do that. For me it is pretty easy since I teach art. I comment on their art and give any insights I can. Create helpful free content for your target student as well as a clear line of sight to your course content.
5. Help as many people succeed as you can. Do this and you will find success along the way!
6. Don’t wait for perfection! It isn’t even a real thing in my world. I am an imperfect being and I share that in my content. Besides, I would never get anything done if I thought otherwise.
I hope this helps and I am here if you have any questions!
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Great advices, thank you for sharing. I love #5: Help as many people succeed as you can. Do this and you will find success along the way!
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I love your point #6. That speaks to me, as I am a perfectionist, which sometimes affects me negatively in terms of productivity.
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My best promotions come from my Youtube channel. I share a video or two from my course content and link to my coupon code. I also get some sales from social media and from blog posts that I create.
The main thing is to create something helpful for your target student. ( Not Promotional ) Then link to your course at the end of the free content, such as blog posts. ( On Youtube it needs to be the very first link to have better conversions. ) If you spend enough time creating helpful content in your niche the students will begin following you and start to buy your course content. This has been my experience anyways.
I hope that helps and good luck with your promotions!
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I know it can hold a lot of us back at times. Good luck with your progress!
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Thank you very much Francesca! You make some excellent points as well. Thank you for sharing!
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Congrats,Rob and well deserved. All valid points from your experience I see you use over and over again. Great job and keep inspiring the rest of us...😎
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Happy to do so!2
Congratulations on reaching this amazing milestone Robert! Love the share.
I really like your mindset. I am new to all this and there is a lot for me to learn so its really inspiring for me to see what you and others have achieved as it gives me the assurance that this is also possible for me. In you opinion, what is the one thing new instructors, like myself, really need to focus on that will yield them the most success?
Appreciate you
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I would say consistent output is the key. For a few reasons really. If you are consistently making new content you are consistently getting better at creating your content. ( You should always focus on creating better quality content of course. ) If you are consistently creating new content your audience is going to stick around longer and ultimately it will generate more sales for you. Being consistent also helps us to not become lazy. It is easy to see the money rolling in and start taking larger and larger breaks. Don't do it. This isn't a passive income. Stay diligent and stay consistent!
Good luck to you!
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So inspiring. Particularly 3 and 4. Wishing you the best!
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HUGE Congratulations @Robert_Marzullo
That is an awesome milestone to reach!
Thank you for sharing your tips aswell, there are some great pointers in there and I have to say that number 5 stands out......... this is why you succeed, in my humble opinion of course :-)
Wishing you continued success!
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This is so awesome, bro. Love seeing your milestones. You're really inspiring me. Keep cranking them out! But know... I'm comin' for ya
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Are these sales total revenue or your share after Udemy has taken their slice?
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This is after Udemy has taken their share.
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Thanks for taking the time to share this Robert.
Best of luck in the future.
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Wow, that is very nice then. Congratulations.
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Thank you and you as well!
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Thank you very much!
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If you have a following and mailing list off Udemy, why do you use it to promote courses on here out of interest? If you sold courses from your own website, since people are interested in your brand, wouldn't you make more money selling from your own website?
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thanks for sharing
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Hi Robert! Thanks for your tips, useful and interesting. I appreciate your point of view so engaging! Keep up! Best for you and your teachings!
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Thanks for sharing Robert; Am about to start my course as well and
wrote:Super excited to have finally reached this one. 100,000 in sales on Udemy and here is some of what I learned on the way. ( Thos took 3 years by the way! )
1. Consistent output is key. Either updating existing courses or making new courses. ( I have 12 courses now. )
2. Appreciate bad reviews. What!? Yep, I said it. Those are the ones that will lead you to better course creation if you listen! ( of course I mean the constructive ones. )
3. Learn to promote your content. Don’t wait for Udemy to do all the work. You can notice that over time I got better at selling my own courses. I started to get less organic sales so I began to share more videos on YouTube, engage with my audience on social media, and create more blog posts. I now bring in 30% of my own sales.
4. Build your audience off Udemy! The real power is in your following and they love interacting with their favorite instructor so give them ways to do that. For me it is pretty easy since I teach art. I comment on their art and give any insights I can. Create helpful free content for your target student as well as a clear line of sight to your course content.
5. Help as many people succeed as you can. Do this and you will find success along the way!
6. Don’t wait for perfection! It isn’t even a real thing in my world. I am an imperfect being and I share that in my content. Besides, I would never get anything done if I thought otherwise.
I hope this helps and I am here if you have any questions!
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Sorry to respond to this so late. To my understanding, if we can get the course some extra traffic Udemy backs it a bit more. Plus, a student rarely buys on the first visit but with retargeting ads they are more likely to purchase after seeing it a few times. We tend to buy what we are more familiar with.
Once that happens and the course gets that initial traction it can take off and become a best seller. It has a sort of snow ball effect. So even though I can drive traffic to my own content and make a bit more per sale it can actually be counter productive since Udemy does a much better job at running ad campaigns than I ever could.
These are just my own findings and I am not sure if I am 100% correct but I am testing and repeating to figure things out.
Good luck to you!
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Great post, congrats on 100K! To build audience WITHIN Udemy, is there a way to use metadata or keywords? I haven't quite found my way through all the tools available.
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Congratulations on reaching this magical mark!!
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Congratulations on getting this milestone. It's a huge milestone but for you its not that huge you are expecting it to be.
The point stating let your student succeed and you will succeed in longer run is perfect. I too believe in that.
The marketing strategy as seen in below conversation helps a lot. I have seen few students getting enrolled by You Tube or blogs where i am putting udemy profile links. The students visit my page frequently and give me sales. I always try to check their positive and negative comments. The negative comments help me in learning and positive boost me to move forward.
Thank you for sharing such a milestone. It always help in getting an idealogy that the mark instructor got is possible. The only way to get there is hard work and devotion. The most utmost thing is believe that it can happen with you as well.
Once again a big congratulations on getting this milestone.
wrote:Super excited to have finally reached this one. 100,000 in sales on Udemy and here is some of what I learned on the way. ( Thos took 3 years by the way! )
1. Consistent output is key. Either updating existing courses or making new courses. ( I have 12 courses now. )
2. Appreciate bad reviews. What!? Yep, I said it. Those are the ones that will lead you to better course creation if you listen! ( of course I mean the constructive ones. )
3. Learn to promote your content. Don’t wait for Udemy to do all the work. You can notice that over time I got better at selling my own courses. I started to get less organic sales so I began to share more videos on YouTube, engage with my audience on social media, and create more blog posts. I now bring in 30% of my own sales.
4. Build your audience off Udemy! The real power is in your following and they love interacting with their favorite instructor so give them ways to do that. For me it is pretty easy since I teach art. I comment on their art and give any insights I can. Create helpful free content for your target student as well as a clear line of sight to your course content.
5. Help as many people succeed as you can. Do this and you will find success along the way!
6. Don’t wait for perfection! It isn’t even a real thing in my world. I am an imperfect being and I share that in my content. Besides, I would never get anything done if I thought otherwise.
I hope this helps and I am here if you have any questions!