Has anyone experienced unusually slow video uploads recently?

I have a course with lots of videos so I can remember a time when the uploads happened reasonably. But until recently any course video I try to upload takes an unusual amount of time. I'm trying to update my course and the biggest bottleneck I have right now is simply uploading videos to Udemy. A 1080p course video which is about 800 mb in size will take roughly 5+ hours to upload. So I went about testing my upload speed and it comes out at to around 13 to 14 mbps which isn't super fast but surely does not result in what I'm seeing. I tried uploading the same videos to YouTube and Facebook and the upload goes by very well - I don't see the same slow upload speed as I do on Udemy. I tried asking support but I did not get anything helpful. I'm curious to know if anyone else has experienced this problem and if there are any workarounds?


  • csking1981
    csking1981 Posts: 372 specialist rank


    First upload your files in to Google Drive.

    Then use bulk uploader to add it to your course easily without any problem in a couple of seconds!

    It's great!


  • Gwinyai
    Gwinyai Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Thank you for this suggestion I was not aware I could do that.

  • I echo what @csking1981
    said, I always upload to Google Drive first then it flys through the Bulk Uploader 👍

  • Could I ask you a question? Have you tried to upload the your video while you are preparing the video on Udemy profile or uploading to U from your phone?

  • Thank you very much 😊 I will try by this way