Quality Review Process: notice on wait times



  • Hello,

    Once the review process done i received an Email saying that my course review is done i have to correct some issues.

    I did it.

    And once it went live i received an Email of congratulation witht the link of my course.

    Good luck.

  • SaadSaleem
    SaadSaleem Posts: 5 researcher rank

    I changed the recording setup slightly now it has been over 15 days since i have submitted a test video and still haven't heard from you

  • Hi,

    I am very thankful for.


  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hey @SaadSaleem
    , 15 days seems unexpected. Please reach out to instructorsupport@udemy.com and feel free to ask for an update on your test video review.

  • 200% agree with.


  • Rikarigger
    Rikarigger Posts: 7 researcher rank

    Thank you for the promptly reply.
    I got the reply from verification team afterwards, and i finished the verification process. Thanks for everyone helps :)
    I think my course could publish very soon! Dont lose hope!

  • My new course has been submitted for review and it's been 3 days since then but not yet reviewed. Thanks for the update.

  • I get the extra waiting time for first-timers. But if we already have a bestselling course, why do we need to go through quality review again?

    Now with the new coupon system in place, timing of release is super important. Udemy is already limiting us in terms of our own promotions. Why make it more difficult?

  • **LIVE as of 21:12 (UK time) on 9th May - so 5-6 days seems to be about right at the moment**

    **Course went to IN REVIEW about an hour ago (approx 16:30 on 9th May), cautiously optimistic this will be approved today**

    Hi @Abbie

    I submitted a course early hours on the 3rd May (03:30 UK time) and wondered how long it would take to review, it's been around 4 days or so, but the course is only a 30 minute one, just trying to work out if it would be this week or whether the review is likely to be completed on Friday or earlier.



  • hello, Thanks for the update. I think it takes more than 2 days. I submitted my course 2 days ago but it's still in reviews. it's ok for me to wait. hope the team doing Great. Have a good day

  • ammar
    ammar Posts: 4 researcher rank

    thank you very much

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,641 Udemy rank

    Hi @JohnCourtenay
    , @AbdulWali690
    we've seen a recent spike in new courses submitted for review, which is currently leading to longer waiting times. Once your request is next you'll be hearing from the team.

  • RegNel
    RegNel Posts: 12 traveler rank

    Hi! Would you mind taking a look at my video to see if it is up to standard?

  • Please I m new to Udemy as an instructor and I m working on my first topic in relation to my course.

    My course is to teach on how to use SAGE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE. In my first topic I m trying to teach the basic accounting principal, covering every aspect of accounting needed to use accounting softwares because without full knowledge on those basics, the students cannot handle the software.

    I m asking whether there us anything wrong in teaching those basics aspect of accounting that will help understanding of the SAGE. Thanks.

  • Please as a new instructor I m trying to be guided properly.

    Under my course in my own dash board, I have teaching on SAGE Accounting as number one and MATHEMATICS as number 2.

    These are the two courses there.

    My question is can I be publishing both of them whenever I want or there are processes in doing that. Just help sorry bordering you.

  • DrDigital
    DrDigital Posts: 2 researcher rank

    I made the changes in my submission but they would not save. What do I do? Course...Converting In Class to E Learning Quickly and Cheaply. gkushphd@gmail.com

  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hey @DrDigital
    , please reach out to instructorsupport@udemy.com and the team will be happy to take a closer look.

  • Hello sir,

    What is the procedure to become an instructor here in udemy.

    Please let me know

    Thank you

  • @Dribrahimm



    Sincerely yours

    Mumtaz Ali Mangi

  • Rikarigger
    Rikarigger Posts: 7 researcher rank

    Hello Eliana,

    i have resubmit my course for the request from reviewer, the last edit is on 8th, until now more than 6th days i still dont have any replies for my course, is it normally?
    Please let me know how many days i need to wait for approval?


  • Please I want to thank you for your help so far.

    I m having another problem uploading my video under the curriculum.

    I had an error message which says that problem signing my chunk after the video has gone up to 40%.

    I need help please.

  • Please can you just help me with Chunk error. When I was uploading my videos, I had an error after 35% uploaded about due to chunk.

  • Thanks @Abbie

  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hi @Ctutors_2020
    , check out this support article with troubleshooting steps for video upload issues.

    If you can't find what you're looking for, please reach out to instructorsupport@udemy.com and the team will gladly help you out.

  • Hello Abby,

    Thank you for your feedback, how will a new instructor know if thier course was approved or not?

  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hey @TinaWilliam739
    , to check the status of your course, go to the Instructor Dashboard. A label will appear showing if your course is Live, In Review, Submitted for Review, or Needs Fixes.

    If the Quality Review Team does not identify any required fixes, your course will be live and published in the marketplace.

  • RegNel
    RegNel Posts: 12 traveler rank

    Hi Abbie, I submitted my test video on the 28th of April and it is still in the queue. Is this normal?

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,641 Udemy rank

    Hi @RegNel
    Since the team is dealing with a backlog, we are suggesting instructors wait up to 15 days for test video feedback.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • VipinJoshi
    VipinJoshi Posts: 151 storyteller rank
    Earlier this morning I received a mail from Udemy that the courses are approved. Earlier the courses were made private(Invitation only). I have made changes in course settings from private to public and again it is showing that the courses are in review. Kindly review the courses again as I thought if I change from private to public, It won't go through the review process again.
    I have made changes from private to the public because courses were not showing live on udemy market search place.
    I have uploaded these courses from mail id: chandravipin1991@gmail.com
  • KitEason
    KitEason Posts: 1 observer rank

    Hi @Abbie

    please do you have an update on wait times? I've had a test video awaiting review for three weeks now.

    This obviously has the potential to cause quite big problems. If there is an issue with the test that I can't retroactively fix in other material recorded since, I might effectively lose several weeks' work.

    Many thanks.
