student numbers don't tally

I'm new to Udemy and published my first course at the beginning of 2020. I just received an email saying i had 6 students yet i have only earned $3.41. My course is listed at $59 and i am aware that you will reduce the cost and offer promotions but $3 seems to be a massive jump from $59! is there any way of putting a minimum limit on the price?
Also it says that 4 students have enrolled but never visited my course. have they been gvien the course for free? as there only seems to be 2 actual payments.
Thank you
Hi, Imogen. If you go into your revenue report and click on this month, you will see what you were paid per enrollment. Courses never sell at full price and instructors do not keep 100% of the revenue. I got 85 cents for one enrollment on a course listed at $149.99. It's basically a numbers game.
If you opt out of promotions you can sell at full price but it's unlikely people will buy with other courses on the same topic priced at $9.99.
You just need to get some good reviews in to gain traction and to use the coupon system to promote your course.