Announcing TV advertising tests in the US & Brazil

This week, we began a marketing test that we're excited about and wanted to share with you all: in the US and Brazil, we've launched a 4-week television campaign! This test includes placements both on traditional broadcast television, and online streaming platforms like Hulu.

We're really excited about TV and the potential it has to drive awareness of Udemy and the courses offered. For now, this is just a test - we're measuring and learning as we go - but it's an exciting exploration and a big step for us as a brand and company. We also plan on launching a test in India in the next few weeks.

More to come, but in the meantime, enjoy a peek at some of the ads:

US (English):
Level Up
Binge on Learning

How do you pronounce Udemy?

Brazil (Portuguese):
Learn Valuable Skills


  • Really cool idea. On first sight, all of them are really commercial. All adds are introducing typical conversion call to action sentences in a typical top of the funnel channel. Looking forward to see what happens.

    One thing that the company I work for does, is that whenever there are tv adds, and at the same time there is a big sale happenening, they add a 5 second add-on to the ad at the very end saying "hey, now on sale bla bla bla". Any plans on doing that as well?

  • Awesome! I think the only thing I would be adding is to show the sheer amount of courses and students already learning.

    Over 50000 instructors, 120000 courses, and 30 millions fellow learners!

  • Exciting times!

  • That is great! Thank you very much for expanding Udemy's reach around the world. That is incredibly motivating.

    Best Regards,


  • @KatieBent
    well made ads, waiting for indian ads!

  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    Wild times ahead @KatieBent

  • KatieBent
    KatieBent Posts: 137 mentor rank

    Hi @DiogoAlvesd487

    Thanks for the feedback! We're testing out these ads in the current format and paying careful attention to the results. As we learn, we'll keep tweaking and improving. We appreciate the specific suggestions, and will pass them along to the team.

  • TomOphir
    TomOphir Posts: 71 storyteller rank

    Good idea! Some ads that mention wellbeing, wellness, yoga related courses would be great as well :) It's what a lot of people are craving during this time.

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    Wow! Udemy's scale is impressive as it is, but most people I encounter still never heard of it. Spreading awareness of the brand could have a big impact.

  • ba0708
    ba0708 Posts: 218 specialist rank

    Now that's pretty cool! It's a small reminder that we are teaching on a platform that's on fire (in a good way!) 🔥🚀

  • DaveFox
    DaveFox Posts: 7 researcher rank

    I agree, and to expans on this thought, two of these three ads ahd a very business-oriented slant. I know a lot of people are looking for work right now but also keep in mind that people who are stuck at home are also looking for personal enrichment, new hobbies, etc. I'd be curious about how some ads that focus on these things might do, in relation to things like coding and business skills.

  • Thanks for sharing this.....It is really an excellent and essential step!!!!

  • Wow This is so awesome . All the three ads are amazing. Waiting for the ones to be launched in India , since I'm an Indian Instructor ;D


    Hi @DiogoAlvesd487

    Thanks for the feedback! We're testing out these ads in the current format and paying careful attention to the results. As we learn, we'll keep tweaking and improving. We appreciate the specific suggestions, and will pass them along to the team.

  • @KatieBent

    I saw udemy ads on Youtube-India in Hindi & English, if possible do update the ad link in here, must say the ads were superb!