I am going to publish my first ever course on udemy, but the lenth of my course is 30 hours. Do I pu

Hello everyone.. I am new instructor and going to publish my first ever course on Udemy. I have almost 30 hours length course that i am going to publish and I am getting confuse that should I publish my course in this time lenth or should I make it in parts? And please tell me what length ought to be of each video as a new course? And as I am new please also tell me that how should I publish my 30 hours length course?

And please give me some useful tips regards my first time course publishing



  • DYay2810
    DYay2810 Posts: 176 storyteller rank

    I would recommend publishing a longer comprehensive course. If you are thinking that your course is too long to publish - then don't worry there are many 50 hour plus courses on the platform

  • Karansetia
    Karansetia Posts: 205 specialist rank

    Hi @Yahyakhan472
    @Congratulations on your forst course

    I think that you should make it in parts so that it becomes more interactive to the audience and each part can vary from a couple of minutes to even an hour.

    All the bets for your course Do share with !

  • Thanks for your response. I have another question.

    As I said, I have 30 + hours course, but I want to publish my course for free for a while, but there is a rule of Udemy that you cannot publish your course more than 2 hours for free.. So, If I publish 2 hours content for free, and when I convert that course from free to paid than I publish rest of the content. Is it possible? Can I do that? Or any other suggestion on this please.

  • MithunRai
    MithunRai Posts: 4 researcher rank


    the course must be attractive .

    you can publish only if course doent loose its direction. you must attract and that 30 hourse clients must feel productive unless it wil be disaster .

    Becuase its your fisrt publishing you need to gain clinets and once you gain them dont lose them.

    it happens only when you has to attract them and make them feel productive and worthfulnes in your vourse.

    In this arena people dont have a patience they only start to glance first if they feel worth only then they will go deep into it . So, you need to more careful if your course first publication may go well but if dosnt reach its core to attract people then the nest publication will affect .

    SO careful and make sure 30 hours how much worth as a client when buying it they must spend 30 hours and make sure its worth it .

    Thanks and godluck for you.


    Mithun Rai

  • LuisOzunae
    LuisOzunae Posts: 11 researcher rank

    Woo let's do something big ! Will be creative and I wish you the best in your beginnings! Welcome in !

  • Thank you so much for your response.

    And as I said, This is my first course that I am about to publish. So I want to make it for free for a while, but there is a rule of udemy that you cannot make free course more than 2 hours.. So, I am thinking to make 2 hours content for free and when I convert that free course into paid course than the rest of the content will add into that course. Is that possible?

  • Yes, you can add content once you have opted paid.

  • Yeah its will be much better just to the viewer don't feel bored ;) 💛

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    Look at the courses you're competing with in your topic. Students want to get the most value for their money, so if a 30 hour course is what it takes to offer the most value, that's what you have to do in order to attract students to your course.

    The Insights tool in your instructor dashboard can show you what courses you are up against.

    Free courses tend to only cause problems; I would discourage you from starting with a free offering. You risk attracting a lot of hoarders and people unqualified to take your course who will leave bad reviews. If you're offering the most comprehensive course on the market for your topic, students should find you over time.

  • Karansetia
    Karansetia Posts: 205 specialist rank

    Of course you can add publish rest of the content later

  • It means that, If I publish 2 hours content for free and when I convert that free course into a paid course than I add 20 plus hours content. Is it possible and will that 20 plus hours content go under review again? or won't be any other problem?