Rank up notification


I got notification for rank up level 2 at 29th may and yoday again got that. You rank up to level 2. Why udemy again rank up 2 instead of 3


  • Karansetia
    Karansetia Posts: 205 specialist rank

    Hi @Rabia_Khan1
    there may be some technical isssue or lag it happens off time.

    All the best Mate !

  • @Karansetia
    wrote:yes You are right after 15 minute again i got Level 3 notification and also got on my profile

    Hi @Rabia_Khan1
    there may be some technical isssue or lag it happens off time.

    All the best Mate !

    Hi @Rabia_Khan1
    there may be some technical isssue or lag it happens off time.

    All the best Mate !