Welcome from Alicia Paz

(Transcription) Hi, my name is Alicia. I am a counselor out in Portland, Oregon on in the West Coast of the U.S. I have been teaching on Udemy for almost six years now. I've learned so much while being in the community, in the Facebook group, and engaging with other instructors. I've gotten a ton of feedback about my course, help with marketing, SEO, direction. I have also taken lots of Udemy courses on how build to my course. I've learned editing, I've learned audio software, I've learned how to make a course. Which are skills I did not have. I am not a tech savvy person before working with Udemy. An interesting fact about me is that I am really terrible with house plants and when I started doing my next to last course about a year ago, I bought ten, had pretty greenery in the background and now I am down to just this one, sad, little Christmas cactus. So hopefully in 2019 along with continuing to build my business, gain more students and great reviews on Udemy, maybe I will take a course in houseplants and how to keep them alive.


  • I have a ton of family out in Portland! I love it over there. Also, I too kill off all my house plants. I killed a succulent recently and another is dying.... :robotembarrassed:

  • AliciaPaz
    AliciaPaz Posts: 294 visionary rank

    6 of the 10 were air plants, 3 were succulents. You should come to visit; doughnuts, weird people and coffee!!!

  • Shigeru_M
    Shigeru_M Posts: 767 rolemodel rank

    Hi Alicia, I have seen your posings and nice to see you in video. Feels more familiar than just seeing text postings.

  • AliciaPaz
    AliciaPaz Posts: 294 visionary rank

    Thanks, it's so nice to see faces and hear voices now.

  • Hi, Alicia. Just wanted to say congratulations on launching the new course. Other things have taken me away from course-building for a few months, but after mid-August I'll be back and hope to launch my first course some time toward the end of Autumn.



  • AliciaPaz
    AliciaPaz Posts: 294 visionary rank

    Good to hear @DavidBookbinder
    my mental health courses in the last 2 months have suddenly taken off so there is clearly a need for it. When I started in 2013 it was mostly tech and it's amazing to see such growth. Have a good summer, good luck with the course building and let me know when it goes live!

  • Glad to hear your courses are taking off! And, based on the number of calls I get from people looking for therapists, there is certainly a need.

    Best of luck with the courses and your summer!
