French learning

Hi I am. A French Instructor with experience of 4 years, of teaching basic French to beginners


  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 682 visionary rank

    Hi @RoshniPurswani

    Welcome to Udemy. I assume you intend to create a course on learning French? If so, you might want to consider there are already over 600 courses on Udemy teaching the same thing. This shouldn't necessarily stop you from creating a course on learning French, if that is your intention. Just be aware that with so many courses already existing, it could take a long time for your course to get noticed.

  • Hello!

    Just had my new course live now, its

    "Learn to speak French from Scratch-Part 1"

    Me so excited !

    Its a basic course for beginners, have a look please!!

    Dr Radhika Vijay