First time video

I am new to Udemyi have gone through every thing what beginner do
But find it difficult to bring down in line
Requesting experience person to give sequence to upload videos till pricing
And approvals
Please help me out.
Hey @SyedIrfanAlI
, no approval is needed to get started. You can start creating your course via this link. Please note, in order to create paid courses, you'll need an active PayPal or Payoneer account.Before your course is published on our platform it will need to meet our course minimum requirements, which can be viewed here.
Since we function primarily as an on-demand, video-based platform, you’ll need to upload your video files directly to Udemy. In other words, students must be able to view your course lectures on the Udemy platform.
In addition to our standard lecture uploader, we offer the ability to upload materials in bulk or import them via Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, and other file storage tools. More information on our bulk file uploading options can be viewed here.
This section includes extensive resources on how you can create a Udemy course and get started.
Hope this helps!
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Thanks @Abbie
I will upload my videos soon0