Took a hit during first course creation

Hi, I know you guys have heard this before, but I'm new here and trying to get my first course published.
I spent some time and money creating a course, used images I had a licence for, used Doodly and Biteable videos to spice things up a little bit and created slides and other visuals to support my voice over and head shots.
When I submitted the course I ended up back and forth in email after email with Udemy about the content, finally ending up emailing with the Copyright team. My confidence took a knock, I was doubting my own self thinking had I done something wrong.
Every piece of material I used was licenced and legit.
When I look at other courses of a similar nature, they dont seem to have as many visuals and stuff. Am I doing this wrong?
I dont know what direction to take next, strip all the cool stuff out, have very basic head shots / slides or keep it as it is.
Anyone got any advice for me please? I would really appreciate it.
You are going to make, at most, $4 per sale. Don’t kill yourself overdoing it. Make your course just a little better than existing courses. That’s all that’s necessary.