Several short courses vs. one larger one

I've heard that publishing a course in several parts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc.) isn't as good an idea as combining in one large course. My problem is I've been struggling to complete my first course, but can't seem to get it done. I have enough to publish a Part 1 and Part 2. Should I do so while I work on the back end? I need to get going, but don't want to sacrifice quality. It's not a ploy to make more money. (I could give purchasers of Part 1 access to future parts for free). Your thoughts?
It depends how you are wording them. What isn't adviseable is saying that students need to have taken YOUR first course before taking YOUR second course etc. Instead making each course self contained with specific learning outcomes and clearly defining what knowledge or experience is needed to take that course. So you may say for course two that certain skills or knowledge is needed. The student may have gained this from your part one course (which wouldn't have been called part one) or they may already have this knowledge from elsewhere.
I have courses of varying lengths from a few hours up to about 14 hours and definitely find some of my longer courses are my bestsellers, but I also have longer courses which sell worse than some of my shorter courses.
An advantage of having courses which can build on each other is that you can send promotions to those who have taken your part one course (which wouldn't be called part one) promoting how they can take their learning to the next level with your part two course etc (again, wouldn't be called part two).
So if you have two parts ready to go and they can make distinct courses with learning objectives for each course stating what the course will teach and what they will be able to do etc by the end of the course then I would probably release them as two separate courses, those who don't need the knowledge or training from part one can just take part two, those who don't have the knowledge or training to take part two can take part one. I just wouldn't have them as part one and part two.
All the best