Glad to introduce

Hi Everyone,
I am Surjit and really glad to introduce myself as a new Udemy instructor with my first course live since nore than a month ago.
Yes, no students yet, but there is always a poistive learning and i "ll keep looking to delivering my bezt on value addition as the core theme in courses to come.
Added interest piles on as the artwork expected and delivered by all is Original.
Pablo took so many years to hone with undivided focus.
Looking to interface and contribute.
Congratulations to all who are with so much of genuine effort.
Happy Cheers,Surjit
Hi @SWSurjit@099
Congratulations on publishing your course. We also have an exclusive space for published instructors (Published Instructor Club) where you can discuss post-publish topics such as marketing and course management there.Check out some of our most popular conversations:
Eliana Cerna
Udemy Community