Course pricing and how to list my prices...

Hi, I just finished my first course and I am wondering how to do the pricing. I have seen courses that say they are $200 but Udemy sells them for $12. How can I do that? If I were to sell my course on my own site I would charge $197 but I am willing to have Udemy sell it for 95% off. What I can't figure out is how do I list the $197 price to give the students the perceived value of the course so they will see that the Udemy price is a great deal?
If I price low, lets say $24.95, then to the student it will seem as less valuable than if it was priced at $197, then if they get it from Udemy for $10 it won't be as valuable in their mind.
Hi @JamesLBorel53
There is no easy answer to your question since there are many factors to consider when setting your course price. Here are a few suggestions, keep your price as low as possible, but look around Udemy to see if there are similar courses and prices competitively. You can sort courses by category in our site search to more easily find courses similar to yours. Also, here is a great post where you can get some insights from other instructors.Eliana Cerna
Udemy Community
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Good shout, im at the same stage as you. I've done quite a lot of research into Udemy Instructor.
My best research was my initial experience with Udemy as a student. I never ever considered the discount price to devalue the content. There were courses I paid £14 or £9.99 that were great.
I understood how enticing the prices were to choosing Udemy. Ive also read a few threads on the net about students hunting for discounts and how much they love those discounts. Some even set calendars for the next event.
As a instructor now, I take that value on board when creating my content for Udemy.
Making my material available at a reduced, but fair price for education, makes me confident that regardless of price my content will be useful and helpful to my future students.
Hope this helps.