First impressions of black friday

Hello there,

I remember everyone complained about first three weeks of november sales but now black friday is active.

What can you tell about the first day of black friday? Do you see any increase in your sales?


  • Eh. All it has done for me so far is made daily sales numbers look more normal. Still not impressed so far this year.

  • I had 25 sales yesterday and 1 so far today.

  • I second.


    Eh. All it has done for me so far is made daily sales numbers look more normal. Still not impressed so far this year.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,334 rolemodel rank

    3-4x normal sales.

  • My sales have tanked in the last three months and I have no idea why. I've been earning around 50-70% of what I was bringing in last year. Black Friday so far has not given me the sales boost I've seen in previous years. I'll be lucky if this ends up being an average sales month. (I've been teaching on Udemy since 2014.)

    I'm not sure what's going on but I'm realizing I can't rely on Udemy for the income I used to receive and I need to diversify how and where I teach my courses. 😔

  • The black Friday sales can taste sweeter depending on the course we have, category, how successful it was before black Friday.

    For me, it is about 3 times the normal time. But it gettest better on 26 and 27 of November.

  • November was better than October for us, the last 3 days enrollments have increased by 3-4x.

  • Please let us all level our expectations. Since people have been at home, lockdowns, and other circumstances since march they have purchased courses over a long period now instead of waiting for black Friday. This year's BF won't be as usual, so don't be sad or mad just take it in and try to make the world a better place for everyone, sales will follow later on. Don't hope for too much from this one flash sale.

  • I slightly exceeded last year's earnings which were albeit poor compared to those of 2017 and 2018. I wait for December 2nd for a balance

  • So far not even reaching the normal monthly numbers, and considering very few days left in this month, not very hopeful also.

  • Zero on my end but a lot of action on my free stuff...

    I even have a brand new course with zero visits. Of course it took Udemy 3 days into this event week to publish it, I guess they're overwhelmed.

  • Same situation here. Completely agree about diversifying.

  • Crossed both last month's enrolments and revenue.

  • Very disappointing. An average month. Actually below average. Unfortunate.

  • BF sales are not what they were in 2017-19