استفسار باللغه العربيه

السلام عليكم . مرحبا انا ابتسام هاوية لفن الكروشية و ارغب بعمل كورسات للكروشية هنا . ماهي نصائحكم لي ؟؟ وشكراً


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,563 Udemy rank

    Hi @Ebtesam077
    Welcome to the community! We’re happy you’re interested in becoming a Udemy instructor. You can use the Marketplace insights, you can first search the topic of a course to see what demand vs supply is to find the best fit and think about what you would type into the search bar if you were looking for a course like this.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community