Public videos on course

Hi all, I'm just finishing my first course, and I'm wondering if Udemy has a policy about how big part of a course can be set as public videos? I've prepared 11 hours of content and now I want to set a couple of videos as public and place them also on Youtube to promote my course. Are there any regulations about that?
Our marketplace model means that when you publish a course on our platform, you retain all the rights to your content. You simply grant us a license to host the course and make it available to our users, and to advertise your course on our platform and on third party services.
These license terms are outlined in detail in Udemy’s instructor terms. You can also offer your course on other services, but we ask that your course is never offered for a lower price than on Udemy. Note that if your course is included in the Udemy for Business content collection, per the Promotions Policy, there may be additional distribution restrictions to get more details about this, please reach out to