Hello - the post publish glow

I've had the idea of making a course on Udemy in the back of my mind for years, but with the lockdown eliminating choirs here I took the plunge and gathered together all these videos to make my course. It's been up 2-3 days and has 9 enrollments!
My course is on singing the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a fairly big set of prayers that can be sung every day, generally over 7 sessions a day. I had made a few recordings on YOutube where it was surprisingly popular, but frustrating that all the videos were not coherent and people would be wading through adverts, which is not what you want when trying to get into prayer!
I was worried about charging for stuff I had been producing for free, but Udemy's requirement that courses over 2 hours need a price made that easy. I'm now just over 4 hours and still more details to fill out. No one has complained about having to pay - the main concern has been that they feel they don't have the "musical ability" to join the course - though that mystifies me as it's not like they have to sing in front of people, just watch videos! But I get the feeling - it's more an emotional thing - or maybe they're just looking for reassurance.
Making videos of yourself is kinda daunting, but you keep reminding yourself that they're not looking at you (hopefully) they're watching for what you're explaining.
So, that's what I've been doing.
Hope you're day is good too,
Hey @VeronicaBrandt
, sounds like you've been busy. We're glad that you've finally made the decision to publish your course.Let us know how's it going and how your students' progress is going. Hopefully, you can get feedback on how they're feeling about their learning experience at Udemy through the Q&A or course reviews.
Good luck!
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Yes, it can be a challenge. But clearly, you have done well so far.