Blue Yeti Static Background Noise. Please help!

I purchase this Blue Yeti per Udemy's equipment recommendation (, but once I plugged it in my Macbook, I hear a constant stream of low static background noise. I tried replugging my USB cable, readjusting th gain, nothing works!!! Anyone had experience with this before???


  • Maybe it is damaged, give it back and take another USB microphone, anyone can be good. If I remember well there's also one made and sold by Amazon that is not bad.

  • I googled this and you're not the only one having this problem.

    Maybe someone there might have a solution?

    Best of luck with it.

  • Not sure about the reason for this issue with blue yeti ,but you could try

    a nice AI based tool named Krisp ,which helps cancel all types of background noise with its advanced algorithms & probably should help you get rid of this noise too while recording.

    Give it a try,should be helpful probably.