Competitive Programming with JavaScript and Course Language

Namaste (Hello) Fellow Creators, My Name is Naveen Sharma, I am Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. I'm going to Create My Fist Course on Udemy.

The Course which I'm going to Create is Competitive Programming in JavaScript, Where I will Teach My Enrolled Students How to Solve Competitive Programming Questions/Algorithms using JavaScript.

But I want to Create this Course in Hindi Language and After Sometime I will Add English Subtitles to it.

My Questions are:

1. What's Your Take in the Course which I'm going to Create?

2. If I Upload Videos in Hindi Language, then will I Face any Difficulties while Udemy Team check My Course for Approval (Because of the Language Barrier)?

Thank You So Much : )


  • Hi @Anonymous
    - Here is my take on what you want to do:

    1. Udemy courses on JavaScript number in the thousands. So, you will need to find a way to get your course to stand out among all the competition. This will not be easy to do.
    2. You want to create your course in Hindi. Of course, by doing so, you will be greatly restricting your course to those students who speak the language. So, not only are you creating a course where there are thousands of competing courses, you are limiting your students to those who speak Hindi. You should be prepared to to have it take a long time for your course to gain any sort of traction.
    3. I don't believe you will face any difficulties with Udemy checking your course because it is in Hindi.