First time to create an online course

Hello to everyone and greetings from Greece! I am new here in Udemy and I am about to launch my ever first Udemy e-course! I am posting this discussion here in order to ask for some advice on how to create it and to be quite competitive! As far as I know there are always things to pay more attention and to have a better look! So I am kindly asking for a little help here! Thank you very much for your time! Have a nice time!
Best regards,
Welcome. Take a look at the search function in the forum, what you are asking will take a very long post to give you all the info you need. I recommend you head over to the "First-time Course Creation" and the "Audio Video (AV)" sections and go through the various pages. You will learn a ton from everyone here. Here are a few popular topics:
How to gain potential students before you publish!
The importance of topic selectionHow I improved my green screen setup with some easy steps
What microphone do you use?
What screen recording software do you use?What 1 thing would you do differently - now that you are a seasoned instructor?
This should get you started!
Best of luck,
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Hi Ioannis,
Good look with your first course! Have you already looked at That's a great resource. Your question is pretty broad and it is hard to answer it I think. It would be easier to reply to more specific questions later on when you have made yourself familiar with the basics.
Best, Jan
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Hello Jan! Thank you very much for your reply! I really appreciate your words!!
Best regards,
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Hello Greg! I would like to thank you very much for your response! I will definitely check all the links you provided!!
Best regards,
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Thank you for your help,