New Year Resolutions of 2021

Either you have power over your circumstances Or your circumstances will overpower you.

Before further moving into Resolutions for this new year just glance your activities of previous year and note it down in a sheet

What went well ?

What went wrong ?

Ask questions to yourself about :

* Biggest lessons you learnt.

*Best incidents that inspired you.

*Biggest failures you faced.

*Way blockers of your life.

*Best decisions you had taken.

*Biggest challenge you had faced.

Now coming to this year prepare a chart of questions for this new year wht you are upto a target for this year like :

*What will you change completely in this year?

*How will you step out of your comfort zone?

*Your clear purpose and clear goals for this year

Focus on very few things

What are the ways for growth

What are the strategies you have applied pre covid and post covid..
