Teaching kid classes

I have 2 classes already and I tried to add a third class but this one for kids. A few months ago I was told that Udemy does't allow kids classes but today I saw kids classes on the search. Can we offer kids courses now?


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

    Hi @TJones277
    Please reach out to our Trust & Safety team they will be able to provide you more information about the content itself at policy@udemy.com.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • Eliana I contacted them as you suggested and their response was “no policies have changed” they didn’t state the policy in the email or tell me where I could find it. They also told me to “report any classes that are in violation of the policy”.

    I am still confused how can they have 25+ classes in their search when you type in kids class with ages 6+, 8-13, 4-11yr, etc. and this be a violation of their policy?
    how could that many classes get approved and yet they are in violation of the policy.
    is it possible to see what the policy says?

  • Hi,

    Did you find out a concrete answer for this, TJones?

    I've only just signed up to Udemy, and all the courses I want to run will be specifically aimed for children.


  • Same here 😬

  • I have had several emails with them and they are not clear AT ALL in my option about what the policy is for kids. They said they don't offer kids classes so I gave them a big list of classes on their website, I was saying but wait all these are kids classes.... They just responded thanks that they will investigate the classes.

    After several emails with them not answering my questions and them just wanting information on who is violating the policy, I give up. I guess they are not willing to release their policy.

    this is the latest email back and forth

    My emails

    To The Trust and Safety Team:

    I am not trying to report classes that I think are in violation of your policy. I was just saying you have all these kids classes.

    Can you call me? I don’t think this form of email communication is working. I have several questions as I’ve found over 50 classes targeted for kids on your website but yet you denied my class. I’d like to get further information so I can make my class can be in compliance like these other courses you have published. I’m genuinely asking for help in making my class meet your guidelines any help you can provide would be super helpful. My number is included below. "

    Their response:

    "Thanks for the follow up here.

    We can certainly review your course for policy violations, can you let me know the name of the course in question?

    Again, we don't permit these types of courses, and we'll go ahead and look into the courses you have reported for policy violations as well. If these courses were to be against our policies, we'll go ahead and act in accordance with our policies.

    We currently don't offer support via phone, but we'll do our best to help out through emails.

    Udemy Trust & Safety

  • MariaG
    MariaG Posts: 2,328 researcher rank

    Hi everyone!

    First, we apologize for the confusion regarding this. To clarify, please note that users that are under the age of 18 may use the services only if a parent or guardian opens their account, handles any enrollments, and manages their account usage. As such, any subject matter-oriented towards young students must be clearly marketed to parents and guardians who will be supervising their learning.

    That being said, you must update your course landing page to make it clear that the course is intended for purchase by adults. If this is not done, the team will unfortunately not be able to proceed with publication. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Trust and Safety Team at policy@udemy.com.

  • Thank you for a clear answer