Do I always get 50% revenue?

Hello, I'm reading this article and I have a question about it: "These programs allow Udemy to offer your course at a discount to current Udemy students, to affiliates, and to social media audiences via paid advertising. You can always opt-out of Udemy promotions and drive your own traffic to your course to keep 97% of the revenue (less a 3% payment processing fee, 4% in Japan).".
Does this mean that If I opt-in to Udemy's promotion program and I drive traffic through my link I will get 97%? Or if I'm opt-in I will always get 50%?


  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    If you do your own promotions @devsmanship
    you keep an amazing 97%. I encourage you to opt into Udemys promotions - you get less for sure however all those small sales add up.

  • I think this article answers the question: - "And finally, when you use Udemy’s promotional tools to bring in a new student, you keep 97% of the revenue from the sale. Your promotion, your reward.".

    But let someone else confirm it, please :D

  • thank you!

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,639 Udemy rank

    Hi @devsmanship
    To clear things out there the 3 scenarios for our revenue share:

    Your promotions: If students are enrolled in your course using your referral links, coupons. You will get 97% of the revenue of the total sale.

    Organic sales: If students purchased the course with no instructor coupon, this happens when students browser your course from the course catalog. You get 50% and Udemy 50%

    Paid User Acquisition Channel Sales: If students are enrolled through an affiliate link, instructors get 25% of the revenue.

    You can learn more in this article Instructor Revenue Share.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • GuilhermeMP
    GuilhermeMP Posts: 391 mentor rank

    Sometimes less (if the revenue comes from affiliate/ad program or organic if you divide a course with somebody else), or more (if you do your own promotions)