New Comers Challenge, Is it worth it?

Hi, I entered the New Comer's Challenge and am fast approaching my deadline (read that as needs to be done by tomorrow) I can get it done if I push myself without compromising on quality. I am questioning it it will make that much of a difference though. I know what I will get if I am successful in winning the challenge and see the benefit. I am just trying to figure out what that realistically translates into. Do people find better results from having done the challenge or just fine going on your own. Any help would be appreciated. Even if you didn't do the challenge, how did you find your launch went?
Hello @SueBuist
Unfortunately, there's no way to push back the Newcomer challenge deadline. This challenge is for the instructor to publish their first course on the marketplace within 45 days of pledging.
You can read more about the rules of the Newcomer challenge here.
People who win the challenge can have a better chance of starting up in Udemy.
If you have any additional questions, you can always reach out
Best of Luck
Isabel Handal
Community Moderator