This is demoralizing



  • drewprof
    drewprof Posts: 39 trailblazer rank

    The screen casts were done using QuickTime Player. Nothing fancy!

  • RajGupta
    RajGupta Posts: 322 specialist rank

    Year 1 is usually bad if you are in a competitive category which you are. Even the instructors who have crossed $1 Million will tell you that. Year 2 is still bad but not as bad. Many instructors reached traction in year 3 or 4.

  • @drewprof
    what platform do you think is better than Udemy?

  • RajGupta
    RajGupta Posts: 322 specialist rank


    What do the enrollment numbers say? Enrollment in Free courses versus paid courses.

  • drewprof
    drewprof Posts: 39 trailblazer rank

    So far, Skill Share and my own website have done well. On the latter, I do all of the marketing, hosting, configuration, administration and cost of bandwidth use. I was hoping that Udemy lived up to the hype when I first looked at various platforms based on youtube postings on the subject. It didn't, at least not for my type of courses. It's probably okay for arts and crafts maybe.

  • MikeXCohen
    MikeXCohen Posts: 449 visionary rank

    Thank you, Lawrence, for the only sensible comment in this thread.

    It would be one thing if a brand-new instructor was complaining about not becoming a millionaire after a few weeks and one course. But it seems that drewprof gave Udemy a real shot with several courses, and came to the conclusion that this wasn't working out and wasn't worth his time. I don't think we should try to convince him (or anyone else) to stay, as if this were some cult-ish club. Instead, I think we should respect him for trying, and wish him the best and hope things work out better on other platforms.

    : I'm sorry to hear it hasn't worked out for you here at Udemy. My advice is not to unpublish your courses -- even if they're not earning a lot, it's still more than 0, and doesn't require much work from you except keeping up with the Q&A.

  • @drewprof
    A friend used to say, "Any day you stop learning, you start dying.".

    If I were you, I would try to see how I could adjust my course concept to match up with the Udemy kind of system.
    Good for you that your present package suites some other platforms, and I won't be surprised to hear that you actually used one or two of those platforms framework to cook your course, just speculating anyway.
    To me, besides money, I have joy in meeting good people, especially people of like minds, people that we can share ideas.
    You can not find it easy to believe if I tell you the number of future partners I have been fortunate to make via this platform, some we have even met in person, from just instructor to students, to a kind of intimate friendship, and to working together. According to an holy book, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.".
    I am not saying stay or leave, but I will advise you to see how you can take advantage of every opportunity you have presented to you. Live is too short to waste any chance.
    Since you are doing good ever there, try to see how you can beat the highest rated or best seller tagged course in your category, and move on, man. See how you can fashion it to suite Udemy students' taste.
    You should be happy you could reach out to people from virtually all over the world with your knowledge, no matter where they are. I see it as a grace to have a knowledge of value that people need to appreciate life more with. Keep teaching, man, with good measure, it will come back to you in multiple folds.

  • Meu Nobre Samuel, não podemos transferir a culpa das politicas erradas aos geradores de conteúdo, isso é injusto, FIZ MINHA PARTE, tendo o melhor curso na plataforma de eletrônica, são 7000 alunos, .... então vimos a plataforma mudar nossos percentuais, sem nenhuma consulta previa.

  • MichaelPog
    MichaelPog Posts: 999 rolemodel rank

    what platforms did work better for you?

    How are they different in format from Udemy?

  • Amigo neste caso a falha não é nossa, é da plataforma, EU CRIEI O MELHOR CURSO PARA O SEGMENTO SEGUNDO a própria plataforma, que fez sucesso em 30 dias.... atingindo U$ 1700 de faturamento, em 30 dias ..... Tudo de errado feito depois não foi culpa minha.

  • No meu caso no primeiro mês já fiz U$ 1700 , .. até a UDEMY começar a mudar tudo.

  • " não deu certo " é um termo que não tenho como aceitar, são 7000 Mil alunos em 12 meses ................... O QUE NÃO DEU CERTO FORAM AS MUDANÇAS DA PLATAFORMA, minha parte eu fiz, 7000 alunos, e o melhor curso avaliado na plataforma no segmento de eletrônica.

  • Great, that's amazing

  • Resultados em 12 meses ........ primeiro mês 19 mil visitas a pagina do Curso ...... depois a UDEMY parou de investir em divulgação, PAROU DE DIVULGAR O MEU CURSO.


  • Não precisa nem ser um gênio para achar o erro, BASTA AVALIZAR OS GRÁFICOS.erro.png

  • drewprof
    drewprof Posts: 39 trailblazer rank

    that is what I am doing. All new material will be published elsewhere. What's on this platform will remain and I will answer questions to help students.

  • GuilhermeMP
    GuilhermeMP Posts: 391 mentor rank

    Provavelmente por vc já ter uma audiência