A question about exams

Hello good people,
So I want to make and publish a bunch of guitar courses. I would like to get some advice on exams.
I am considering to create exams in my courses for specific exercises. Example:
My student has been practicing exercise number 1 and he would like feedback to see if he is ready to move on to exercise number 2. In order to do that he needs to upload a video and I need to review his progress. I cannot do that for free. I was thinking of charging a fee for every time I review an exam. I want to leave that as an option for the student.
long story short:
1. Is this possible?
2. If yes, how?
3. How can I get paid for reviewing his work?
Thank for your time. Please advise me.
Hi @Dantheguitarman
thank you for your question! Glad to hear you're looking to publish guitar courses, sounds exciting! Responding to your questions:1. Yes, this is possible!
2. You can create exams for your students by creating a Practice Test, which enables you to create comprehensive, long-form simulated exams that students can use to assess their knowledge of a particular subject. You can learn how to create Practice Tests here.
Or by creating Assignments, which provide instructors with a comprehensive way for students to apply the knowledge and skills they’ve gained in your course. With assignments, you can create various questions for students to answer regarding the course concepts, upload instructions and solutions in video format, and provide feedback on the completed assignments students submit. You can learn how to create Assignments here.
3. Practice Tests and Assignments are included in the course purchase. Students will not need to pay any additional fee to take them.
If you have any specific questions on this, feel free to contact our team at instructorsupport@udemy.com and they will be happy to help you further!
Bella Almeida
Udemy Community
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Thank you for reply Bella. Perhaps I need to rephrase my question.
So my students need to upload videos of them playing guitar. So then I need to see if they master an exercise. Can they upload their video to udemy? Is that possible?
So there will be no forms to fill in with mulitple choice or typing anwers.
Am I allowed to charge a fee for reviewing work of a student? I cannot do this for free.
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Thanks for clarifying, @Dantheguitarman
! I'm more than happy to provide additional information about this.Students can add text, images, external links, or code to their assignment submissions. While there's not a direct way for them to upload videos for your review, they can upload the video on a different source (such as Google Drive or Youtube) and share the external link. The only thing to keep in mind when using this method is that it is for educational purposes only.
You can add Assignments to your course to create more opportunities for your students to learn about specific content in the curriculum. From there, students will be able to interact and provide feedback on each other's work, which is very beneficial for their learning process. While assignments will definitely add more value to your course, reviewing the student’s work is included in your course price, so you are unable to charge an additional fee for this. Please note, however, that this is still an optional feature.
I hope that helps!
Bella Almeida
Udemy Community
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Hello Bella,
Thanks for ellaborating. There is no way I am going to review exams for free. That means I am working for free. That means I have to watch a video and make a video every single time there is a new students.
It's a shame that this feature must be included in the price of the course because that's not worth my time. In that case I will not offer exams and review work in order to respect the terms and conditions of udemy.
I hope Udemy changes that because this is effecting the quality of the course.