Software/Equipment you could not live without?

It’s a brand new week! Let’s kick it off with a new Hot Topic!

What is the one piece of equipment or software that is integral to your success as an online instructor?

Leave a comment below!


  • KylePew
    KylePew Posts: 179 mentor rank

    OBS - Open Broadcaster Software. I use OBS to record all my talking head/screen sharing lectures. The program makes it easy to record all my video and audio with loads of features to boost quality in both. I used Camtasia in the early days, but switched to OBS and haven't looked back.

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    I really love my Shure SM7B microphone. As I do more screencast / voiceover lectures than "talking heads," it's the most important piece of gear I have.

    It's not cheap, and to make matters worse you also need a "CloudLifter" device to boost its signal on top of a A/D adapter (I use a Blue Icicle) in order to connect it to your PC. But I don't regret re-investing some of my course earnings on it. As an extra bonus, I sound better than everyone on Zoom calls

  • Right now it's iMovie on a Mac - which I use for Noise Filtering and Editing. I am thinking of investing in Camtasia.

  • That will be OBS for screen capture & Davinci Resolve for Video & Audio Editing.

  • Andy186
    Andy186 Posts: 2 researcher rank

    OBS has been very helpful. I also found FreeCam to be nice and simple for screen recording and quick edits. I observed that it is very helpful for making fast production involving quick screen captures when advanced editing is not required.

  • Salil Dhawan
    Salil Dhawan Posts: 312 mentor rank

    Adobe Premiere Pro

  • okay I just bought it haha

    Btw I think you don't need all that extra gear if you have a mixpre 3 ii !

  • Umar
    Umar Posts: 7 researcher rank

    NVIDIA Broadcast. Filters out all the background noise during recording.

  • DaveH
    DaveH Posts: 70 storyteller rank

    vokoscreen for screen recording

    Shotcut for video editing

    Audacity for audio editing

    Atom for displaying code on screen (it's clearer and simpler than VSCode)

    Recently for animated presentations

    Google Slides for scripts, on-screen diagrams

    Firefox for showing the browser on screen.

    I'm a Linux user, but most of the above are cross-platform. All are free unless you want private presentations on, but it's very cheap if you do want that. All are open source apart from Google Slides.