Still No Students

Hie there
I recently joined Udemy and created a course, but I still have no students. I have even offered the first 5 students a free class but nothing has come up yet. Please, how do I get students to enroll in my classes?
So, I looked up your profile and checked to see which courses you have for sale. It looks like this is your first course ( and the one you are trying to get initial students into.
I hope you don't take what I am going to say the wrong way, but let's look at your course landing page from the perspective of your potential students.
You have priced your course at $19.99 originally, and today there is an $11.99 sale (the lowest on Udemy is a $9.99 sale). So, today, if I buy I am going to get a 40% discount, and if it was $9.99 then I would get a 50% discount. Both aren't "huge" discounts in the world of Udemy, so the "value" proposition isn't as high as it could be (or your competitors have).
Next, I look at your title, "English for Beginners" with a subtitle of "Let's begin". This doesn't really tell me what I am going to learn. When I originally saw your title, I was thinking that I would be getting some video lessons that are going to teach me how to speak and write in english (something like the Spanish for Beginners series on Udemy that I have taken in the past: I was disappointed to realize that isn't the case, I am only getting 2 practice exams (no videos, no pdfs, no lessons).
Let's look at the practice exams themselves. You have two exams with 10 questions each. Again, going back to a value proposition here, you are asking a student to pay between $9.99 and $19.99 for 20 questions...would you pay that much for that little content?
The practice exam course format was designed by Udemy to help students practice for certification exams (mainly). This is the natural audience for this style of course. I can say this confidently because as a certification instructor I sell A LOT of practice exams on the platform.
Let me give you an example of one of mine for you to look at the landing page and note some differences (
Notice my target audience is clear. My target is "Students preparing for the ITIL Foundation (2011/v3) certification exam". These students have a clear goal in mind that this practice exam course will help them reach. They are going to be taking an exam to get certified (answering 40 questions in under 60 minutes). To help them with that, I have designed 6 full-length exams of 40 questions each (240 total questions in the course), and they get all of that for a retail price of $89.99 (usually a Udemy discounted price of $9.99 to $23.99 most days). You can see the big difference in value proposition here.
Your target is "Anyone who wants to learn English", which is entirely too broad. That could be billions of people in the world, and how does your course help them to learn english?
Your description in your landing page says the following:
This course will teach you all the fundamental tools you need to become fluent in all aspects of the English language. We will go through different stages for example use of verbs, pronunciation, grammar correction, essay writing, quiz. Furthermore these different areas will be taught in a way that easily helps you retain the information without feeling discouraged.
Now, this isn't a badly written copy, but what you claim in it isn't going to happen with 2 practice exams of 10 questions each. How will someone "become fluent in all aspects of the English language" with only 20 questions? That is a false claim, there is no way you can accomplish that. If you wanted to teach someone english fluently and they have no background (they are a beginner), then that would take 4+ hours of video just to scratch the surface of the language. To give them fluency, you would probably be in the 20+ hour range (Easily).
If you open your course landing page in a private/incognito browser window, you will see a section called "Students also bought". This is your competition. Take a look at their landing pages and compare yours to theirs. What are they offering? How does that compare to your course?
For example, the best seller in your category is this course ( They have 7500+ students, and their course includes 66 hours of video lessons and 4 PDFs to download for offline study. Their price is retailed at $199.99, but today there is a Udemy sale and it is $12.99.
So, if you were a student who wanted to learn english, which would you buy? Your course at $11.99 or theirs at $12.99? Personally, for the extra $1 I would be getting theirs because it clearly has enough content to help me become fluent, but yours I wouldn't believe could help me do that since there is not enough content with only 2 exams.
I know that doesn't answer your question of how to get students in your course, which is what I was going to answer when starting to respond to your question, but as I looked over your course to see how I could help you best, the answer is really you need additional work on your course before marketing could even be effective since your value proposition is currently way to low.
(I am not saing you need 66 hours of video, but you definitely need more than 20 questions in 2 exams...)
I hope this helps,
Jason Dion5 -
I completely agree with Jason.
It is even probably a good thing that no student has enrolled yet, because the description of the course is totally misleading, and if someone enrolls without paying enough attention to the actual content before buying, they will most likely leave a bad review and ask for a refund when they realize the claim was false, and that would leave you in an even worse position.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but for a course to succeed it usually requires a lot more work.
Don't get discouraged by these comments. Just get back to work and remember to look at your course from the perspective of your potential students, as Jason suggested.
Good luck!
P.s. I would respectfully suggest that you re-think your instructor bio as well, as it looks like you wrote it with a potential employer in mind, and not a potential student.
1 -
thanks for a so detailed answer! it helped me too!!!
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Hi @RueMckurry
- On top of what everyone else has written, which is quite good, you need to consider how many other courses are teaching the same subject. I went to Udemy and typed in "Learning English". I got 10,000 results back. How are you going to differentiate your course from the 10K already available? You picked a VERY crowded area in which to create a course. It could take many months, or longer, for your course to get noticed. And, even then, it's got to be better than most of the courses available to achieve any sizeable number of sales.0 -
I launched my first free course yesterday but I'm not getting any enrollments can someone help me please..