Advice on my course

Hi all

I am brand new to Udemy and have just gone live with my first course

please have a look and tell me what you think


  • Muy bien. Felicidades

  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 685 visionary rank

    - Hello and welcome.

    I took a look at your promotional video and it seems quite good. One word of caution though. I did a Udemy search on Cognitive Behavior Therapy and got over 5,000 results back. You are going to need to be patient. Somehow students are going to have to be able to find your course among the 5,000 that already exist. This won't be easy unless you are able to draw students to your course yourself. Yes, Udemy does a significant amount of marketing on our behalf but they simply won't promote a new course when there are many others that are highly rated. It's a simple matter of economics.

    Also, your course is priced very high at $95. Most Udemy students simply won't pay that much for any course, especially a new and unrated course. They will just wait for the next sale when they can purchase it for $10-$12.

  • Slogger
    Slogger Posts: 9 researcher rank

    Hi Thank you so much. Is it possible to reduce the cost now

  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 685 visionary rank

    - Absolutely. You can change the price at any time.